my life as I think I know it

Hey guys,
How u doin’?

Well I’m doing good…

I haven’t written in this blog lately, have I? Well, the last thing I posted was about the podcast, and a life update, but that was Wednesday; you probably don’t know my current life situation. For all you know, I could be posting this blog post on a high tech supercomputer while sitting on a strange planet in a parelell universe… well not exactly.
Whether or not this disappoints you, I gotta tell you…
things have gone normal for me.

On Thursday, I had school, but got to get out early for a doctors appointment.
Friday was normal, like a tipical Friday should go…
Saturday, the whole day was dedicated to goal ball. There were two two hour long practices, and when ended we had to go to coach Kristie’s house to talk about teams for our upcoming torniment.
Sunday (yesterday), I spent playing my game and on skype… I even computered myself out later in the day and had to do something else.
Today has been your average Monday… not good, but not bad either.
As far as future plans go, I can’t think of anything out of the ordinary I will be doing over the next few days. Well besides talking on skype and smashing zombies anyway.

Thanks for reading,
Type you later,

Important Podcast Notice, and a Brief Life Update

Hey you guys,
Steve here.

As this post title said, I have a bit of important news about the Steven D Podcast.

First of all, the podcast will be renamed. Devin Gutirez has been helping me for so long that I think I will call the podcast Steven and Devin podcast from now on–he has contributed in a big way–helping me with game demos, and giving his word on 3 to 4 minute segments of the cast. He is very much my cohost of the cast, so I have decided to fully raise him up to this position. So devin if you’re reading this, congrats.
Also, the podcast has a new time and date–it will now be on the first and 3rd Saturday of the month. There is now a calender of podcast reliece dates on the podcast page for the next 3 months through January 1.


Moving on, the passed several days have gone quite well for me. On Sunday, I had to clean… (sadly). But afterward I logged into swamp and played.
Monday I spent practically the entire day on Skype with a couple friends, and also playing swamp. I wanted to become level 18 o swamp that day, but didn’t quite make it that far.
Yesterday was the first school day of the week, and after school I actually made level 18 on swamp!!!! In fact, I have earned 600 more xp since then.
note: I made a swamp campaign repository Monday night. The site is where I put all swamp campaigns; it already has 100 views! …can you say Great Website Devlaying it total!eloper (jk).
Oh and why I’m on the swamp topic, I have spent 3 days 3 hours and 30 minutes playing total… shocking, right?
Back on the life events, I also found a new flight simulater game for the blind, and am afraid I will get addicted to it. Unfortunately it costs money, so I’ll try to work my way up to getting to buy thatt.
Anyway, if you’re wondering what I’m doing in the future, I have church tonight, an open couple days with just school planned Thursday and Friday (I’m saying that assuming my parents haven’t planned something I don’t know about), and this weekend I only have goalball planned.

Well I hope you enjoyed this post, and look forward to new ones.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

~rize adventure end of summer event for the blind

Hey you guys,
Steve here.

I attended an event for the blind with several activities. I did airsoft rifle shooting, (I hit the target), wood cutting, sailing, kayaking, and went through a petting zoo. Here are the pictures:

Me shooting an airsoft rifle at a target
me kayaking
me riding in a sailboat
Working on creating a spin top
finished spin top
me trying out a bicycle only opperated by hands
Holding pig
Me holding a chicken
petting rooster

A 3 day weekend looming ahead

Hey you guys,
Steve is back with a vengeance.

Below is another epic post of awesomeness written by the world’s best writer…
Yeah, as if.
Well let’s get on with it.
My week was a pretty good one; not a lot of stress; not much in the way of homework. It was mainly filled with school, zombie smashin’, screechy violin practice, and rain.

Nothing huge has happened since the last post I made on Saturday. After posting that, my week went relatively normal. If you’re wondering if anything bad happened to me on Friday the 13, I can’t say it did. The only thing bad about Friday the 13 is the inevitable realization that no matter what you do, what you say, whether or not you manage to make your way out of Earth’s atmosphere and send it careening backwards a few days (I don’t think that’s possible but who cares), there will always be a Monday the 16th. Sure enough, that day has come and passed, along with Tuesday the 17, Wednesday the 18, and Thursday the 19. Alas, a good portion of Friday the 20th has also passed, and I can now look forward to a fantastic 3 day weekend. One during which I can look forward to at least 2 days of sleeping in, late nights filled with programming and Skyping friends, and just being chill.
Well anyway, since I got side tracked and decided to talk about the future, let’s do that thing I said about sending the earth back a few days, and recap on my week.

Sunday was a chill day. Unfortunately, although I skyped Devin, I didn’t do the podcast, so I’ll have to do both episodes tomorrow. But hey, at least they’re getting done, so I guess it really doesn’t matter much if you think about it.
On Monday, I of course went to school. That day, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were almost identical in my routine. Going to school, knocking out homework if there was any to be done, and then programming and skyping or whatever. I have been doing far less programming than the passed two weeks, because I’m now at the stage of the scm where there are only 1 or 2 bugs here and there, and even then those bugs are few and far between. It took Devin 5 to 10 minutes of playing with the software to find one, and I fixed that. I also added the ability to add allies, computer controled players that can kill zombies and be killed as the player can.

Well I guess that about wraps up tonight’s post.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,
P.S. We got 2 or 3 inches of rain from last night to this afternoon. Astounding, right?

Updates, part 2

Hey you guys,
Steve again.

As I promised, I am finishing the blog update.

Like I said, I am here to talk about the program I am creating. It’s a utility called Swamp campaign creator, (listen to podcast episode 4 and 5 to hear some recordings of swamp being played). Basicly, swamp is a game where you walk around a town killing zombies. To learn more, go to Jemery Kaldobsky’s games website where the game is stored along with some useful info and other software. Well, there is more to swamp than just killing zombies. There is a thing called “campaigns,” which are custom adventures players can script that will run in swamp. For example, one who wanted to script a campaign could make something from an egg hunt campaign, to a more complicated mission or even an episode series of missions.
Unfortunately, there is a catch. That is that you have to learn the scripting language in order to create campaigns, which unmotivated me to even create a campaign, despite how cool it sounded. So, I created, or recreated the swamp campaign creator. Let me tell you some history of this project.

About a year ago, a guy from the audio games .net forum decided to create the swamp campaign creator. I was one of the first to try this out, and found that there were some major faults:
1. The thing didn’t allow you to create zombies in your campaign.
2. The campaign didn’t write to any file, so it didn’t type any script.
3. The way he coded it, all the script would’ve been put on one line, and that is prohibited in the swamp campaign scripting language.
4. I accidently removed the program from my computer, and when I tried to get it again, the thing was gone and replaced with a message that he was going to update it and that the link had been removed.

Let me just say, this happened 6 months ago, the audio games thread it was posted on has been dead for 2 months now, and I got tired of waiting honestly because I asked a question or 2 about it and never got a response. That’s why I recreated it. I will not put it on the audio games forum at this time, well just in case he ends up updating it in the future.
For now, I will just post a link to the software so people who play swamp and visit my site can try it out:
Download the latest swamp campaign creator
Information about what this program does to
aid the process of campaign creation can be found in the help file.

Now on to some other life things that happened that I left out in last night’s post:

I got these cool head phones. They are not only noise canseling, but they have a lot of base and good quality. I’m really enjoying them, especially when playing my games because they can penpoint enemies and items better.
Also, me, my dad, my sister, and Grandpa went to the rangers game today. They lost 1 to nothing, and the game ended real fast because noone was hitting runs or anything. It just seemed like it was back to back outs from the time we got there to when we left, but it was still exciting to watch anyway.

Well, I guess that about wraps up my blog update. I will hopefully do the podcast tomorrow, seen as how I went practicly streight from goalball to the Rangers game.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

what’s been going on with me lately

Hey you guys,
Steve is back.

I took a blogging break, but not a major one. I guess it doesn’t matter really how long I was gone, but the fact that I’m back into it matters more. Well, this blog update will come in two parts, one tonight and one tomorrow because I have quite a bit to tell you.

Today, I will tell you my life events, while tomorrow I will tell you about the project I’m working on, so enjoy!

Basicly, life has been going good for me. Last week was pretty normal, being that I had goalball to attend, homework to complete, and that I had to practice my violin skills. Oh yeah, if you’re curious as to how that’s going, it’s pretty boring as of now. I am optomistic that that will change, though. Really what we are doing now is plucking strings, and we just started with the left hand down, making the notes. If you play string instroments, you get what I’m talking about.
On another note, this week so far was pretty normal as well. Saturday we went to the lake, there were quite a few of us (my parents, my sister and I, my sister’s friend Kristen, and my parents’ friends and their kids all came). It lasted pretty much all afternoon.
Now I guess I should make a confession and excuse to go along with it. Unlike most excuses however, the one I’m about to give you is not a lie to get my way out of trouble. So, here it is:
confession–I haven’t done podcast episode 10
excuse–I have been doing some hard core programming and beta testing on a project that I plan to demonstrate in the podcast release.
More on the program will be talked about tomorrow.

Well so to summarise my last two weeks up, I have been skyping friends, doing homework, going to school, programming, and all that good stuff. I can say however, that I’m glad it’s the weekend.
Thanks for reading,
Type you later,

P.S. The power went out at school today. People were freeking out at everything, (I guess I can get that because it’s Friday the 13th).
Oh yeah, happy Friday the 13th to you. Don’t let Jason get ya.