Great podcast news and life updates

Hey guys,
Steve here.
I’m going to try and keep this post long. Let’s see if that actually works, and makes me keep it short–because after all, when I say I’ll keep it short, it ends up being long, so let’s see if this little trick of mine works.
Anyway, it’s now April 15, the day before the pole on whether or not this site should have a home page will close. So, if you’d like a say in the matter, tonight and tomorrow are your only chances–at 8:00 tomorrow night, or somewhere thereafter, the pole will no longer exist, and I’ll do what you guys decided.
So, since it’s the last day, I’ll put the pole on the post:
[polldaddy poll=7937065]
Moving on, let’s sstart off with the great podcast news. If you listened to the podcast episode 20, you know that I said I’d try and do an rss feed for the podcast. I’m not sure whether or not I mentioned this on a previous post… but who knows. Anyway, with that said, I stuck to my word… and we now have a podcast feed, which you can subscribe to by visiting the podcast page.
Moving on, my life has been pretty normal over the passed 5 days or so. On Friday and Saturday, not much happened, besides school and goal ball. Sunday, however, we went to church, then some friends from church came over and hung out and had lunch with us. Also on Sunday, Justin came over once again to visit.
Yesterday was a cold, windy, and blustery Monday. Speaking of Mondays, I didn’t write a Monday’s Musings entry because I didn’t have a topic once again, and by the time I got off of Skype with Danny, I’d already stayed up passed the time I prefer to go to bed on nights before I have to get up at 5:45 in the morning, so writing a lengthy blog post was out of the question.
As for today, it was the beginner orchestra festival I talked about in two of my most recent posts. As was expected, I missed most of school, then had a proceeding concert this evening. There were, literally, about a thousand people, so when I was done, I grabbed on to my dad, and him, my sister, and I had to make our way through the massive croud in order to get out of there. If you ask me, putting a thousand or more people in a gymnasium isn’t the most brilliant idea you could come up with, but I guess I didn’t really have a say in the matter. Other than the large abundance of people, the concert went quite well. I think, that I had all my bowings correct… but who knows. And if I didn’t, no matter.
Well I guess that about wraps up this post. Hmm, seems my trick worked. I guess that on any post I want to keep short from now on, I’ll put “I’m going to try and keep this post long,” and vice versa.
Well besides that, I hope you enjoyed this post. I’ll talk (and by that I mean make you guys improve your reading skills and vocabulary by reading another one of my posts:) to you all later.
Thanks for reading,
type you later,

2 thoughts on “Great podcast news and life updates”

  1. You did great, Steven! Your bowings looked MUCH better than the bowings of the kids the two rows in front of you!! And I saw you fix your bowings when you made a mistake- the mark of a true musician! AND YOU SAT UP STRAIGHT! Made me proud!

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