how my weekend went

On friday I went to school. After that to tell you the trouth I did nothing at all. Saturday was booring in the morning but then my cousins came over. There names are Thomas and Colbie. We played outside until 10:00 PM last night. Today they left at around 12:00 PM. Then me my sister and dad went and gave my grandma and nanna there mothersday guifts. We were at my nanna’s house wich is also my dad’s dad’s house for a few hours. Then we came home and ate dinner. That is how my weekend went

how my day went

today was May the 3rd. I went to school like normal, but when I got home it was exciting. I had this laptop for my plesure, until February 28 when it crashed. We didn’t take the laptop to the shop until April 12. It got picked up from the shop on April 29, and my dad tried to look at it and get the drivers and programs on. We needed the cds, but my dad said it would be a couple of days until the cds came. Today I was sitting on the couch with a bad headache. This was the second day I had been waiting for the cds. I asked my dad if they had came yet and he said no. But, he went outside and picked up a muddy invelope and threw it on top of me. I ripped it open expecting to find just some papers, but I found 5 or so cds. After that, my dad started working on the computer. He had to take a break because my nanna and grandpa are moving to rock wall, and we were going to see the house. I learned that the house was across the street from my vision teacher. When we got home from there, my dad got back to the computer. He finished working on the computer just before dinner. Now, I hope to have this computer for a very long time and without anymore crashes. That is how my day went

how my day went

Today as the First of May and hear is how it went.

I woke up at 5:00 AM because of a thunder rumble. Then, I got up afew hours later and ate breakfast. After breakfast and before lunch, all I did was play on the computer and go outside off and on. I ate bean and cheese barritoes for lunch then went and showered. After my shower I played on the computer and then took a 45 minute nap. After my nap, I played on the computer until dinner time. For dinner I ate ham burgers and curly fries. Now, I am on the computer and that is all I have done today

how my day went

Today was Friday april 29. I went to school like normal glad to be done with taks in witch I took yesterday. The morning was normal, but in the afternoon, I was in recess when I was throwing a hula-hoop back and forth with my teacher, I pulled a mussle in my arm. It was all I could do not to throw up it hurt so bad. After recess, me and my class had free time in the class room. Free time is when we have no work and my teacher let’s us do what ever we like. Then, we went to music at 2:00 PM and after that the day ended. For the rest of the day, I just played at home. Then, I ate dinner wich was fish. Now, I am just blogging.

how my day went

today was the taks test. Taks stands for texas assessment of knoledge and skills. Well it was the science! This was my first time taking the science!. I was nervous when I woke up this morning, but by the time I started testing at 9:20, I was pretty confident. Now, that test is over and I hope I get a good score. That is pretty much all I did today

how my mbc5 day went

ou know how AI said I was going to the mbc 5 studios this April 27, Well that is where I went. When I got there it was about 9:00. Me, my mom, and my vision teacher M.S. Clay all went and sat in the wating room. I could hardly believe being in the mbc 5 studios. At 9:20, we walked down a hall into a room where the weather studio was located. I got to meat samantha davis and kim fisher! I even heard Samantha do the weather. I also heard the traffic reporter do the traffic. Then after the reporter and weather girls were done, I got a microphone put on me. I spoke about the tornados and thunderstorms we got Monday and Tuesday. Then after that we waited for the next thing I did. I walked up and got enterviewed. Not long after I did the 5 day forecast. Finely, it was time to go. I thaught it was very fun. When we left, we went and ate lunch. Then we picked up Libby and went to the hospital to visit my dad. That is pretty much all I did today

Today was Monday April 25. I guess that was back to normal from easter. But, today my dad had back surgery. I am glad he made it out ok and that I can see him tomoro. My mom is taking me and my sister to visit him after school. But, today I went to school like normal. But, we had a tornado outbreak. Luckily none of the tornados hit us today, but I feel bad for the people they did hit. Well, that is pretty much all I did

Today went OK. I woke up at around 8:00 AM because me, my dad, and my sister were going to my sister’s beeping baseball practice. When we got there it was about 9:30 AM. I sat on the bleachers for about 30 to 40 minutes. Then, my dad said that I could go to the playground. I went there while him and Libby’s team practiced beeping baseball. I played there for about 50 minutes swinging, sliding some slides, throwing wood chips down the slides, and even sliding a slide that was to small. On that slide that was to small, I thudded down it panefully. I thaught it was really funny. I went back to the playing field and sat on the bleachers. Afew minutes later at around 11:10 AM, we left the field and went out to eat. We were there for about an hour. After we got home, I just sat around and did nothing. For dinner I ate Pizza rolls. Those are so good. Well, that is what I did today.

Today went good. In the morning, I went to beeping-baseball with my sister. Why she practiced, I went to the playground by my self. It was so fun! I rode a cupple of slides and swung a little bit to. The funny thing is that I went down a slide that was to small for me and bounced down it with several