Updates and surprises

Hey guys,
Steve here.

I’m going to try to keep this post short. Don’t I say that every time? Doesn’t it always end up, that when I say that, you get a 900 word essay on steroids? Well I’m going to try not to do that, because I don’t have much to say, and I have other things I want to get done before I go to bed tonight. So first, Stranded. Ever since I started work on it again, Wednesday I believe, I have done quite a bit. I worked on it on Wednesday and today, but got a lot done on both those days. I won’t tell you the release date or how the game is going, but maybe what I’m about to say could help you figure the release date out for yourself. The reason I’m not telling you what will happen in Stranded, is because I don’t want to spoil the surprise. Because after all, spoiling the surprise for you now would be like opening a Christmas present on December 15.
Look back on that last sentence, and tell me that the release date isn’t right there. Tell me that I didn’t just tell you not only the release date, but the exact number of days from now it will happen. Tell me this, once you think hard about it for a couple days, and still haven’t figured it out. But if you do figure it out, mark it on your calender as the release to the end of the most epic, adventure packed series of game books you’ll ever have played.
On other news, besides working on Stranded part 3, I have been doing fine. I found out on Friday that I’m making an 82 in math–but I’ll see what the problem is (I think it was a test), and get it resolved as soon as possible. Oh and while on the subject of school, I don’t know if you know I had to read a book for English class, but I finished it along with the assignment I had to do. If you want to read the book, Tears of a Tiger, go ahead–but I warned you, it almost made me cry.
Life at home is going well. I finished yet another Zombie book series, the Benny Imura series, which sends my total of zombie books since December 1 to… I don’t know… 15 perhaps. Never fear though, I’ll just start on a new one that I discovered, and we’ll see how that one goes. If you want a complete list of the books I’ve read you can comment on this post and I’ll put it up, in case anyone is interested in some of those books.
Anyway, the weather is supposed to get cold once again tomorrow. Why does it have to get cold on Monday? It’s already hard enough to go to school when it’s warm in sunny, but put in the 30degree temps and 45 mph winds, and that just makes it 15 times harder. As a matter of fact, it won’t get above 40 until Wednesday… ug.

Changing topics, I am still addicted to The Road to Rage, which if I haven’t told you before is an FPS like swamp, but one in which you kill people instead of zombies. I’ve been addicted to this for about a week, but I’m sure that when my first-gameplay addiction calms down, I will be playing both the road to rage and Swamp on a normal routine, instead of wanting to be on one or the other all seconds of the day.

Well I guess I stuck to my word and kept this one short, if short means 600 words. Either way, I hope you enjoyed this post, and look forward to the Monday’s musing’s post.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

1000 days? Already?

Hey guys,
Steve here.

What do you know? It’s already been 1000 days! 1000 days of life updates,podcasts, game reviews; 1000 days with me, Steven D!
For me, it has been a very exciting and fun 1000 days. I enjoyed writing each and every post, and even more so I enjoyed the fact that you loyal readers stuck with my blog through the times of stress, excitement, anger, happiness, fun, humor, and yes, even sometimes my lack of motivation to blog–even when I went weeks without a post, you guys patiently waited for the next post, and didn’t give up on this blog… and for that I thank you! Because although it was me who wrote all the posts, me who spent my time thinking and typing, and me who took the time to set up everything for you guys, what matters is that you took the time out of your day to check my site out, and show your appreciation for the site, despite some of my posts not being too good (the how my day wents), and yes, I admit it it, my spelling isn’t too good. Thank you for looking passed all that and enjoying and getting the true meaning of this blog!
Moving on, since my annual report was 2 weeks ago, I won’t give a 1000 day report, as I think that even though I gained more followers and views, I think that another report would be a bit redundant. So instead, I’ll brief you in on my current life happenings, because then I want to pull out my favorite zombie book (wait, I have a lot of those), and take a warm bath, and finally go to bed, because I had to wake up at 5:45 this morning and will have to do it again tomorrow.
Ever since Thursday, life has been relatively normal. As I said on Thursday’s post, however, I had to start waking up at the ungodly time of 5:45 to ride the bus to school. I mean that bus picks me up when it’s still dark outside! not okay!
On other news, goalball started up again on Saturday. I still need to work on ridding myself of the fear of the ball (every time the other team throws it at me, I bunch up because I don’t want to get nailed, because that would probably make for a bad day. I’m sure, however, that with a little more practice I should be fine.
Aside from goalball, we didn’t go to church on Sunday, because my dad had to do something (I think it had to do with laying tile in the laundry room and getting a certain amount done before he had to go out of town the next day). So, instead of going to church, my sister and I watched frozen, a Disney movie that is actually pretty good.
As for Monday through today, those were normal school days. I’m sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but if we have to do sight reading in choir class another day from now until February, I am going to screem and pull my hair out! I like the teacher, and the class is fun, but sight reading is so boring that I don’t know how to put it in words… mainly because I’m a blind person and sight reading requires sight.
Aside from that, I started a new, you guessed it, zombie book. I’ve already read the enemy, the dead, and the fear, all written by Charlie Higson, Plague town and Plague Nation, written by Dana Fredsty, Day by day Armageddon, day by day Armageddon: beyond exile, and day by day Armageddon: shattered hour glass by J.L. Bourne, and am now reading Rot and Ruin, Benny Imura #1 by Jonathan Maberry… so as you see I’ve been reading a lot of zombie books; they are action packed and interesting, though can sometimes be a bit disturbing.
On a final note, I get to miss second period tomorrow. My science class is going to the planetarium during that class, so no math class for me. I will still have to go to choir… so if I’m balled and don’t have a voice, you know why (jk).

I guess that about wraps up tonight’s post. I hope you have enjoyed it, and look forward to my next 1000 days of posting, as well as posts further in the future.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

Monday’s Musings 6: The True Meaning of Blogging In My Prospective

Hey guys,
Steve here.

I’ve never been one to stay on top of anything–I’ve always either forgotten or decided to quit pretty much all regiments and routines I made for myself… but not blogging.
I don’t know why, but blogging has become a big part of my life. When I first started blogging, I figured that I might keep it up for a few months or so, and then just quit all together. I never stopped, did I? And now we are almost to the 1000th day.
If you’re wondering what I am trying to say here, my point is that blogging means a lot to me. I think that with blogging, I have finally found a true passion for me; at least for the time being. As long as I blog, I can vent, rant, and rage all I want to (not that I do that much), and anyone who is willing to listen will, and no one can tell me to be quiet. As long as I blog, I can write down what is going on in my life, so I can look back at this far into the future and remember the past.
For me, though, the best part of having a blog, is that it’s like having an extra friend to talk to. I can write anything, and guarantee that my blog won’t object. When I write on this blog, I know that no matter what, someone is always listening. With a blog, there is never a sense of being ignored; you know that everyone who is reading your content is interested in what you have to say.
So to sum it up, blogging, for me, is more than just typing some words into a text field and hitting publish. It goes way beyond that, and for that I will continue to blog. Even as we approach the 1000th, and even hopefully the 10000th day and beyond, I will always have a patient listener to talk to, and I can be sure that there will always be a place for the words of me, Steven D.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

getting back into it

Hey guys,
Steve here.

Few, that break went by fast… and here we are already half way done with the first school week of 2014… hard to believe, huh? I am going to get back into the swing of things (both in blogging, and school), seeing as how I haven’t produced a life update post in over a week now.
to tell you the truth, Newyears day was pretty much the only day I did anything in the last 4 or 5 days of Christmas break. On Wednesday (new years day), my mom, sister, and I went and saw MRs. Dawn again, and since she lives about 2 hours away, it took up our whole day. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were uneventful, however we all went to church on Sunday. As for Monday, that was the last chance I got to chill before… you guessed it… school. You know how I’ve been talking about playing swamp over the break? Well I didn’t realise this, but I spent in total 76 hours on swamp between Christmas day and January 6th. Yes, I actually spent the equivalent to 3 days and 3 nights streight on swamp, thuse only 14 of my 17 days weren’t spent on the game… talk about adicting games!
Back to my life, Tuesday was of course the start of school, and that is pretty much all I did Tuesday and yesterday, mainly because I was very tired after school and so I didn’t feel like doing anything else.
Also while on the subject of school, I can forget sleeping in until 7 on school mornings. My mom and dad switched schedules and job positions, so now I will have to start riding the bus to school in the morning. What does this mean for my sleep schedule? It means that from now on, I will have to get up at 5:45 on every school morning except Monday! On a posative note, mom and dad will be home every night (except I think Dad goes out of town on Monday nights so all except that night), and both will always be home on the weekends, so we get more family time.
On other news, unbelievably, something that would not normally be a good idea actually turned out to possibly save me a whole bunch of work. You know Stranded? well one day I decided that I wanted to take it to school with me and work on it when there was no work left for me to do in class, and so I put it on a flash drive. I believe that Stranded is still on that flash drive… but there is still the possibility that I deleted it. If I did, I will have to restart on the project… but if I don’t, I am looking at February 1 as a possible release date.
On the podcasting side of things, I didn’t do the podcast on Saturday because I was too lazy to create a campaign for swamping with Steve part ii. Fortunately, I created that campaign, and will be doing the podcast within the next couple days… after I come up with an intresting segment and tech tip to put in… and even that I’m starting to come up with ideas for.
On a final note, since school has started and there will be more going on, expect more frequent blog updates. I don’t update often during breaks, since I often take advantage of that time to relax and do absolutely nothing.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

P.S. It’s day 994 of the blog folks! We only have 6 days until the 1000th day! If you want to count down, see the “1000th day” widget on the sidebar.

life updates, and a new blog development

Hey guys,
Steve here.

I’m starting something new on my blog. It will happen every Monday, and is called Monday’s musings. On the Monday’s musings post, I will share my thoughts, opinions, and rants. These will not be life updates; although life updates will continue. Basically, a Monday’s Musings post will be for my thoughts and rants that have no part in my life update posts, and wouldn’t make sense in them. I hope you look forward to these new posts!

On to some other things, I did the podcast episode 15 Friday, and will do episode 16 today. As for that q9 series I was doing, I will have to do it differently. Instead of doing worlds now, I will do it level by level, but there are only 6 levels left. It will not be the same thing every time; the amount of action and excitement will increase. Well, I guess that gives me a game of the day for at least the next 5 or 6 episodes. Also, while still on the topic of pod casting, I will try to create a feed burner for the podcast. I hope it works so you can subscribe to the cast with a feed reader or something.

As for my life, I had a fun weekend. Although I didn’t go many places (due to the ice storm that I will tell you about later in the post), I did other fun things. For example, I did the podcast, baked cookies and a cookie cake with my mom, hung out with dad yesterday, and talked to friends on Skype and wrote this blog post today.
Although I appreciated the unexpected 3 day weekend, I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. That will bring back the stress, the work, the projects… and everything else that goes along with having to go to school. On a positive note, winter break is in two weeks. I seriously can’t wait for that! Oh and by the way, I finally composed a Christmas list, so I bet my parents and the rest of my family are happy.
On another note, my old vision teacher, and a family friend named Dawn has created a really great blog. I think you should check it out. The address is

As for the winter storm, I definitely did not get ripped off. That storm was pretty extreme–it dumped 1 to 3 inches of ice and sleet, and from Thursday night to about an hour ago I think, temperatures did not go above 32. I caught a recording of this for the interesting segment of episode 15 of the podcast, and I also got one on the natural events page.

Well I guess that about concludes today’s post. I’ll be back tomorrow night with the first Monday’s Musings post. Please comment on tomorrows post when it comes out and tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

Life updates and a weather wrip-off

Hey guys,
Steve here.

It’s Monday, yet it has already been half the school week. Tomorrow we have school, and then we’re done!

Last weekend, the good weekend it was, ended in a great disappointment. You know that winter storm I was so excited about? Turns out, the prediction was off by 3 degrees; if it had been just a simple 3 degrees colder we would’ve been slammed by unprecedented winter precipitation. In total, one half inch or greater amounts of rain fell across North Texas. According to this artical on the RAL Weather Center website, we could’ve been dealing with between 1.5 and 5 inches of snow, thus leading to a rare and potentially significant storm, one that would certainly reach Winter Storm Warning criteria.
Unfortunately however, the forecast changed approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes after update two of my storm monitoring update was posted to the Weather forecasts page at 6:45 PM CST. Basically, meteorologists decided at last minute that the ground would be too warm to sustain any winter precipitation accumulations, and it turns out no precipitation of that type fell where I live anyway. Although there is the possibility for snow flurries tonight, as stated by my NOAA weather radio, school will most definitely not be canceled for tomorrow, a pretty sucky thing since my school district is like the only one in school this week.

Changing subjects, I have been doing good, but rather cold this Monday and the recent weekend. On Saturday after posting that blog post, I went bowling as promised, and scored 117 points. And, as if the day couldn’t have been any more predictible, I spent the rest of the afternoon, you guessed it, chillin’.
Yesterday, after going to church in that windy blustery weather, I got to chill because I had no sister around, :). I did the following productive things yesterday:
-became a second year student at hogwarts (on the game I play that is supposed to simulate hogwarts, you have to become a level 15, defeat Voldemort, and you advance a year. After the normal seven years at Hogwarts, your title changes to wizard, and eventually god, and I don’t know what from there).
-Took a nap. I consider this a rather productive activity; it recharges your energy level, so you can be ready for the next chapter of your life.
-Figured out what I want to do for my history project and how I’m going to do it.
-Went to church
-Okay, not sure why I’m adding this to my list. This isn’t something productive I did, but I just needed a fifth thing :)).
As for today, I was very tired. A major factor in this was probably the fact that it was almost as dark as night time all day long, it was raining, and it was freezing cold. Inexcusable act(s) of pure stupidity I committed are as follows:
-wore a light sweater to school.
-went to Starbucks and got myself a large frozen coffee drink before having to go outside in this weather. That made my perception of the temperature, or wind chill, someware in the 5 to 10 degree range.
As for right now, I am just lieing hear, typing this blog post. I have nothing else to do for the rest of the evening, except putting up my laundry. *groans* But then again my mom did have to fold, wash, and dry it all for me, so I have the easy task really :))).
Thanks for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed it. The next time I blog will likely be sometime during the break. But just encase it’s not before Friday:
travel safe, eat lots of turkey, stay warm, enjoy thanksgiving, and have a great week!

Thanks for reading,
type you later,


Hey you guys,
Here are some updates that I will tell you about.

First of all, I am going smoothly with the Stranded gamebook. I have been working on it occasionally, but when I do things on it I usually do a lot. So, to say for myself, I’ve completed quite a bit. That doesn’t mean, however, that I’m even close to done. I want this gamebook to be very long, thus I shall release it in 3 parts. As you should know, I am only doing part 1 at the current moment, and will not begin working on any more parts until after March 3, when the book is scheduled for release.

For more good news, I have the right software and know how to create gamebooks the right way now. So, that means I will be able to create more, and add them to the game books page. Please stay in touch with it, along with the news page for updates, and also the blog.

Now, here are some life updates.

Nothing intresting has happened in the last 24 hours. To tell you the truth, nothing intresting will happen today. My plan is just to go to goalball at about 2:00, then go visit Dawn Adams, one of my old vision teachers. I will then hopefully come home and eat dinner, and hang out for the night.

Now that I’m done with this post, I’d like to think the 4 new followers I recieved this week, 3 of them joining in 1 day. I also got lots more likes. If it weren’t for you loyal ffans, I wouldn’t be as tempted to go on posting. I thank the people who follow, like, and comment on this blog. I couldn’t do it without you. Remember,
Keep reading, following, liking, commenting, and rating, and I will most certainly keep posting.

Don’t worry if I’m gone for a while. Don’t lose your faith in me, and know that I will always be back to do more blogging. Only realise I won’t ever blog again when I post that I am taking this blog down. Don’t worry, that isn’t happening any time soon.

a very hectic week ahead of me

Well, I am back in Austin for the second time this year. I am currently in the computer room in my dorm. This room does work out purfectly, because I can update/inform the viewers of this site about the progress of this week via the how my day went posts. Well, if you are wondering what is so hectic about this week, it is my schedule+the amount of regular school work I must complete. First of all, we have to wake up between 6 and 6:30 every morning. As you probably know, this really doesn’t work out for me. Plus, we don’t even have to be at school until around 8. School here usually lasts until 3 in the afternoon, but we have after school activities at the dorm. Between school and the activities, we only have 1 homework hour a day. I have to read sections 1 threw 4 on chapter 3 in social studies, not to mincion a 3 minute presentation about some indion tribe. Fun fun. Huh?

On top of the social studies work, I have a weeks worth of work in every other class, but I just might be able to get it finished by Thursday night. Don’t worrie, I will still make time to talk to you guys every night. No matter what, you will find out how my week went, whether I actually talk, or write.
Otherwise, I do think it will be a fun week. Finally rid of the sister, mom, and dad for a week, yay!!! (jkjkjkjkjkjkjk)

Well, I guess that I will talk to you on the daily journal entry later on. Even though I have really nothing going on at this point, I shall be logging out now, and doing other things on the computer. Or who knows, I might just take a nap listening to my favorite audio book.

free blogging platforms

Have you ever wanted a blog, with the 20 platforms in this post, you can. From diaries, to guestbooks, to albums, to chat ingens, I spent a long time looking these up for your convenience. Please enjoy, and I hope you get the blog you want!

Have you ever wanted a blog, journal, or diary? Well, below are at least 10 places you can choose from. Some, you can do diaries, and some you can’t. But, some of them have other features. Please comment if you like it or not, and so I can have your feedback.

Tumblr: http://tumblr.com
type pad: http://typepad.com
wordpress: www.wordpress.com
self-hosted wordpress: www.wordpress.org
live journal: http://livejournal.org
my-diary: http://my-diary.org
blogger: http://blogger.com
weebly (can also be a site): http://www.weebly.com
sos blogs: http://sosblogs.com
inube: guestbook, blog, photo album, or site: http://inube.com
floost: http://floost.com