how my day went

Last night after I posted my journal entry, the three of us had went outside to sleep in tents. Well, this morning, I was awakened by the sound of the rain as it pattered down on the roof of my tents. The girls slept in one tent, and I slept in the other. Well, after waking up, we all got up and had breakfast. Then, we watched full house, until me and Libby home. When we got home, I played on the computer and listened to my book off and on until I ate lunch, then I did more of the same until my dad got home. Then, I laid in bed for a while listening to my book, before playing on the computer and watching tv for a while, I ate dinner. After dinner, I posted my blog. That is all I did today.

how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I came home and took medacine because I was feeling bad, then crashed after taking a warm bath. Then, I ate dinner, and got on the computer for a while. Then, I just hung out, played with the cat, and then ate a snack. After that, I posted my journal. That is all I did today.

how my day went

Today, I ot up and went to school like normal. It was one of those days I have to get a ride to school, because my parents have work. So, when I came home, I played hogwarts live (click here if you don’t know what I’m talking about) then took a nap. After that, I ate dinner, played more hogwarts live, then did the kitchen. After that, I took a bath, then posted my blog entry. That is all I did today.

how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Since I had a dentest appointment, I had to leave early. My dad picked me up at the end of Math class. Well, we were there for a little over an hour, maybe closer to two, until we finally got to go home. Then, we ate an early dinner, because my dad had to take the dogs to the vet to get there shots. While he was gone, I played on the computer and downloaded a long book, also doing one or two chores. Then, he came home, and I finished the chores, before doing the treadmill for half an hour. After that, I spent the rest of my night playing on the computer and eating a snack. That is all I did today.

How my day went

Today, I spent most of the day at Papa’s house. I just played on the computer, hung out, ate, and chatted until my mom and dad came to pick me and Libby up. Then, we had to go and speek at some goalball sponsering meeting, then we went out to eat. Then, we came home, and showered, and then I downloaded a book. After that, I got on my blog. That is all I did today.

Maine: day 5 of 6

Yep, it’s been another day. Here is how it went.
Today, I got up, got ready, and went to the beach. Then, I came back to the cottage. By the way, I boogy borded for the first time today. I’m sorry, but I don’t have immages. Well, I ate lunch at the cottage, then hung out downstairs in the apartment for a while. Then, I went to the beach again, came back, played on the computer, ate dinner, got back on the computer, then posted my journal entery. That is all I did today.

maine: day 2/6

Today, I got up and ate breakfast. Then, I hung out in the apartment until we went to the beach. Then, we came back and had lunch, went to the pear, then went right back to the beach. When we got finished with the beach, we came back and cooked dinner, and I played on the computer. Then, I ate dinner with the others, and hung out with a little kid while he played his little kid games. After that, me and my family went to Garsides for ice cream. Then, we came back, ate the ice cream, then I played on the computer. That is all I did today.
By “pear” I mean a bridge over the beach that people like to hang out on. There are shops, and even a carnivle there.
–end of PS–

how my day went

Today, I got up and got ready and went to a “adventure day” event that was for the blind. There, I did several activites, then we came home and I listened to my book “aragon” until dinner. After dinner, I played with the dogs, then went outside. Then, I came in, got on the computer, watched tv, then got on the blog. That is all I did today.
Also, I would like to part from you by sharing some images I got from various events at the eventure day.

This is me doing archery. I am going to shoot the bow and aro

This is the worm on the hook before I fish

This is me fishing

This is me getting my aros from the target that I shot them at.

This is the shot after I throw a string with two golf balls and try to get around any level of a bar that is in front of me. I make a perfect shot, and that is what you are seeing.

how my day went

Today, I got up, ate breakfast, then dug outside. Then, I came in, and played upstairs and on the computer until lunch. Then, I cleaned until goalball practice. After goalball, I came home, ate dinner, took a shower, put up my clothes, ate a snack, then got on my blog. That is all I did today.

how my day went

today, I got up, and got ready and took Libby to vollentear with her coach for goalball. Then, me and my mom went and saw the kittens, as you saw in the previous post, and then came home and ate lunch. After lunch, I watched tv and my mom picked up Libby Then, we went to Dallas strings, and got libby a new violen because her’s had a crack in it. Then we just sat around, and I played on the computer and watched TV. Then, I went outside and dug holes in my back yard, then ate dinner. Then, me and my sister taused a goalball back and forth until I got on the blog. That is all I did today.