the passed five days of Steven D’s story of a life: goalball, school insidences, future events…

Hey you guys,
Steve here.

I’m finally back, after a rather unusually long absence. It just seems that lately, the days are going by so fast, five day periods like this one just come and go in the blink of an eye. I just don’t get it.
Anyway, to keep this post a little bit short, I’ll tell you what you need to know.
As for my life, that has been going great since I last updated you. I have been attending school, working on stranded, chilling, and goal balling. I don’t know if I told you this or not, but I set myself a goal on stranded. If I told you this on Wednesday, you can either read this again because you enjoy my blog posts, or you can skip ahead a couple lines.
My goal for this game is that I will work on it at least once every day. I don’t care if it’s one page; even one sentence will do. But I really have to do this; because if I don’t, I could lose motivation to work on any further developments or forget about the project all together. I’m sure that both you and I don’t want any of that to happen.
Back to my life, there is some stuff that will be going on in my life in the near future. On Wednesday, if I have a ride home, I will be going after school to do a service project for NJHS, which if you recall back in march I joined the day before my birthday. NJHS, or National Junior honor Society (for those who don’t know), is something that if you keep good grades, and manage to make it in there in the first place will look good on your college applications. Anyway, that will get me one service hour (we have to have 10 and oh crap I don’t have one 🙁 ).
With that being said, I also have another Orchestra concert coming up on December third. But since that’s far away, and we have a break in between now and then, I will not talk much about it in this blog post.
Also while we’re on the subject of school, I got a big scare in Spanish class last week. For some reason, my report card said I got a 73. As you know, I’m not the kind of student who would score such a tremendously poor (in my book) score, so I was a bit worried. Turns out, I was worried for nothing. My grade in there is a 90. I don’t know if the grades got mixed up or what, but I’m just glad I have a better grade than previously thought.
Next Tuesday (I can’t believe it), is the start of thanksgiving break. I can’t wait for that! Also note that three weeks after that is Christmas break.
As for weather, it is supposed to get really cold this weekend. This week will be in the 60’s with partly sunny to mostly cloudy skies for the next few days, but Thursday into Friday, a cold front will come in and oh boy. It’s supposed to fall into the upper 40’s Friday afternoon with strong winds and rain. What a nice day for some coco and a day of chilling… sucks I’ll have to be at school.
Saturday through Monday are also expected to be in the upper 40’s.
While we’re still on the topic of weather, two extraordinary weather events have taken place, that leave me just a tad bit worried. First it was tropical storm Haiyan that slammed into the Philippines. That killed around 4000 people is what they’re saying. Also last weekend there were 40 tornadoes in Illinois. That is highly unusual for both the state, and the month the tornadoes occurred in… hmm.
On a last note, the development process of Stranded Part Three is going well. I have put in an obstacle course, which contains an avoid-the-RPG board. This is like whack a mole, but the RPGS pop out and you have to dive and/or jump in a different direction to avoid them. I will not disclose any more information on this object; you’ll just have to wait.
As far as pod casting goes, I have done episode 13. My parents have taken the carpet out of my room (their redoing carpet upstairs), and all my stuff with it. Once I get settled again, I’ll record episodes 14 and 15.
Other than that, I don’t have much else to say except…

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

P.s. I’ve grown addicted to this game Hogwarts Live for about the third time. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it on the blog before, but if I haven’t here’s the link:
I hope you enjoy both that game, and this post.

how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I had to stay at home alone because my mom was picking my sister up from Auston, and my dad had a layover at work. I occupied the time my mom was gone by doing a social studies assignment. When she and my sister got home, I contenued to work on the assignment until it was completely done, played jenga for a while, then ate some beaf stue for dinner. After dinner, I just hung out with my mom for a while because Libby was asleep. Then, I ate a snack, and posted my journal entry. That is all I did today.

what’s happening

Well, there’s not much to say at this point. As you probably know, by reading my recent how my day went posts, life is average. The only anoying thing about it is, my september alergies. It almost seems that they will never leave me alone, and that they will come every september. Last week, they did make me throw up early one morning, it was either Wednesday or Thursday. Well, there is also something intresting to tell you guys about. Bell, our little kitten is getting fixed tomorrow. I wonder how that will feel, especially since she won’t be able to play around very much. As a matter of fact, she is attacking Trashua at this very moment. I can’t believe how much she loves to do that. It is as if she loves making him scream at her, because that is what he always ends up doing.
If you are wondering about Newton and Fatsie (Cassie) my two dogs, they are doing well. Otherwise, there isn’t much more to say about my passed and near future. Besides the fact that Iam stressed out from school, there isn’t much to say.
I do have to tell you, that I am making a C on my progress report for reading. Now, this isn’t something I would go bosting about to all my friends, but to whoom is currently on this site, you know now. Congradulations! You have just figured out my sucky grade in reading class. The good news is, that I am making a 90 in math. Yeah, that is pretty awesome, but it isn’t awesome that 2 of my books have been lost in that class. I am still loving seventh period. In a Daily Language review quiz we took on friday, not one person passed. That was because I hadn’t turned it in yet, since I give ms Seltzer my flashdrive on Mondays. I have givven it to her today, and hope to find that grade by 7th period tomorrow.
I am pretty sure you are thinking, “I am gonna follow this blog, so I can make fun of every bad grade Steven ever makes on his school progress reports and report cards!”
Well, sorry to bust your bubble, dash your hopes, or bum you out, but you’re very wrong. I just shared 3 grades with you, but that doesn’t mean anything. I will still keep posting to this fabuless website, but I won’t tell you every grade of every week of every 6 weeks for the rest of the year, just to let you know that right off hand.
Well, that is all I have for today, so you better have a good day yourself. Thankyou!