Steven D Podcast Episode 28: When Blazing Your Way Through Fails Spectacularly (BK3, part 10)

Welcome to part 10 of the BK3 series!

Today, King Godlord gets an epic dose of his own medicine when despite his usual attempts to kill all things, he is owned more times than in any other episode. Seriously, I think I died more times here than any other part of this series thus far!

Oh yeah, and the game also crashed and made me repeat a level. 😀

Anyways though as I said in the episode, please let me know if you’d prefer I go back to streaming these, instead of just prerecording them. Next bk3 episode will be episode 30!

Steven D Podcast Episode 26: They Don’t Stop Comin’! (BK3, part 9)

This is part 9 of my series on the action rpg BK3. Here, I complete stage 15 and part of 16, facing levels full of all sorts of nasty things! Remember how it was hinted that Peace was running out of energy to generate monsters? Yeah. Clearly not!