Today, I went to school like normal. Then, I came home and played upstaires for a wile. Then I fell asleep on my sisters bed. When I woke up, it was time for dinner. I ate and then went outside and sat there for a wile. Then, I came in and threw a ball around and played with the cat. After that, I got on the blog. That is all I did today
Tag: booring
how my day went from August 8, to August 18, 2011
how my day went
today, I got up and then went to summer school. After that, my vision teacher baught me a treet. Then, I came home and sat around for a few hours. Then I got on the computer. After that, I played on the computer again. That is all I did today
how my day went
Today, I got up, ate breakfast, then layed in my bed for about 10 minutes. Then I got up and played around my room before my mom said she had to run afew erinds and my dad had to lay down for work. When my mom left and my dad went to bed, I cleaned up my room. After that, I got on the computer for a wile. Then I played and cuttled with my cat for a wile. By then, I was getting hungrey. So, I ate Raviolies for lunch. After that, I shut my self in my room for 2 hours before falling asleep. I stayed a sleep from 2:45 to 5:05 PM. When I got up, I ate a snack then hung around on the computer for another few hours. Then at around 9:00, I ate dinner. Then I posted my blog intery. That is all I did today.