how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I came home, did homework, then played on the computer and listened to my tape recorder until dinner. Then, I ate dinner, played on my tape recorder, got on the computer, did the kitchen, ate a snack, then played my computer games before posting this entry. That is all I did today.

how my day went

After a busy weekend, today wasn’t all that rough. Well, I just got up and went to school and rode the bus home, then ate a snak and played on the computer and going outside to watch a storm that was coming. I went in when the rain got too hard, and played one game of river raiders before going upstairs and listening to my tape recorder, helping my mom make part of the spaghetti we were having for dinner, then listening to my recorder until it was time to eat. After dinner, I did the dishes, put my clothes away, then posted this journal entry. That is all I did today.

how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I came home and did homework, before eating dinner. After dinner, I did the dishes and the rest of the kitchen, before listening to my book for a while. Then, I had a snack when my mom came home from work, then just hung out until I played on the computer. That is all I did today.

how my day went

today, I got up, and found my padometer. It was what woke me up, although I feel a little bit bad for the act of discarding my cat who slept with me when I went to get it.
After that, I played with the cat, then listened to my book. I ate lunch around 11, and then got on the computer. Then, I listened to my book, ate lunch, then talked to my dad and listened to my book. Then, I played with my sister, and on the computer for a while. Then, I listened to my book, played on the computer, listened to my book again, cleaned the bathroom, did the dishes, listened to my book, and played on the computer until my mom got home. Then, I ate a really good dinner, then went upstairs. Then, I came down and got a drink, then got on the blog. That is all I did today.