how my day went

Last night after I posted my journal entry, the three of us had went outside to sleep in tents. Well, this morning, I was awakened by the sound of the rain as it pattered down on the roof of my tents. The girls slept in one tent, and I slept in the other. Well, after waking up, we all got up and had breakfast. Then, we watched full house, until me and Libby home. When we got home, I played on the computer and listened to my book off and on until I ate lunch, then I did more of the same until my dad got home. Then, I laid in bed for a while listening to my book, before playing on the computer and watching tv for a while, I ate dinner. After dinner, I posted my blog. That is all I did today.

how my day went

Today, I got up very early because my mom and dad were at work. When I woke up, I just played with the kitties for a while, laid on the couch, then ate breakfast. I spent the rest of the morning playing on the computer, listening to my book, taking a shower, then getting ready for goalball. Then, I ate lunch, and hung out with my sister until my dad got home. Then, I just listened to my book until it was time for goalball. Me, Dad, and Libby went to goalball, had practice for 2 hours, then me and dad dropped libby off at her friend Madison’s house. Not to much later, I joined my sister and her friend at her house while my dad went home to lay down, and the treo of us ate some burgers and fries for dinner. Then, we spent the rest of the evening watching full house, before I posted my journal. That is all I did today.