how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I came home, did homework, then played on the computer and listened to my tape recorder until dinner. Then, I ate dinner, played on my tape recorder, got on the computer, did the kitchen, ate a snack, then played my computer games before posting this entry. That is all I did today.

how my day went

Today was my first day of school for this week. I was able to wake and hop in a warm shower, which isn’t something I normally get to do. After that, I had to hurry up and get ready, because I wanted to play with my i-pod before breakfast. I did end up getting a few minutes to do so, before it was finally time to eat.
After grabbing a bowl of apple cenoman oatmill, I joined the other people in my dorm, and we all left for school. We first had to stop by the health center so that the people that had meds could take them, but I didn’t have any, and just wanted to get to school.
Well, we finally got to school, and it turned out to be a good day. I was the only student in the class I am in, and there are two teachers. That means that I get double the one on one attention I need.
Well, the throughout the day, we spent learning about voice over on the mac computer, and taking an assessment. That assessment consisted of the teachers asking me questions for about 30 minutes, which resulted in me being bored to tears.
At the end of the day, we had homework hour, which is an hour where we can do work from our regular schools. I completed english, and tried to start on math.
When we were picked up to go back to the dorm at 3, instead we went to the park. There is this spinner thing there, and I practicly spun myself sick on it, thus I had to rest for about an hour. After we left the park, like I said, I rested, before going to the dorm and doing homework hour. It was more like homework 20 minutes, because I didn’t have enough time to make it an hour. However, I did work on social studies, and then had some pizza. Finally, I was able to get on the computer and post my journal. That is all I did today.

a very hectic week ahead of me

Well, I am back in Austin for the second time this year. I am currently in the computer room in my dorm. This room does work out purfectly, because I can update/inform the viewers of this site about the progress of this week via the how my day went posts. Well, if you are wondering what is so hectic about this week, it is my schedule+the amount of regular school work I must complete. First of all, we have to wake up between 6 and 6:30 every morning. As you probably know, this really doesn’t work out for me. Plus, we don’t even have to be at school until around 8. School here usually lasts until 3 in the afternoon, but we have after school activities at the dorm. Between school and the activities, we only have 1 homework hour a day. I have to read sections 1 threw 4 on chapter 3 in social studies, not to mincion a 3 minute presentation about some indion tribe. Fun fun. Huh?

On top of the social studies work, I have a weeks worth of work in every other class, but I just might be able to get it finished by Thursday night. Don’t worrie, I will still make time to talk to you guys every night. No matter what, you will find out how my week went, whether I actually talk, or write.
Otherwise, I do think it will be a fun week. Finally rid of the sister, mom, and dad for a week, yay!!! (jkjkjkjkjkjkjk)

Well, I guess that I will talk to you on the daily journal entry later on. Even though I have really nothing going on at this point, I shall be logging out now, and doing other things on the computer. Or who knows, I might just take a nap listening to my favorite audio book.

how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I came home and did homework, before eating dinner. After dinner, I did the dishes and the rest of the kitchen, before listening to my book for a while. Then, I had a snack when my mom came home from work, then just hung out until I played on the computer. That is all I did today.

how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, me, mom, and lib had to get Bell from the vet, since she got fixed. Well, when we came home, I did my homework, then ate some dinner. After that, I spent the rest of the evening playing on the computer off and on, doing the kitchen, showering, and playing with Trashua. Then, I posted to my blog. That is all I did today.