Monday's Musings 15: How has our world come to this?

Hey guys,
Steve here.
Wasn’t it some thousands of years ago that we were nothing but clueless cavemen? Wasn’t it just a few thousand years ago, that us humans didn’t even know a way to communicate with each other? And I’m sure, that thousands of years ago, we didn’t have any of the technology we do today… so how did our world become how it is?
I understand there were lots of years, and lots of time for us to adapt to this world. But how did we figure it out? It seems like we went from the baby stage, all the way to the grown up stage as time went on, but with no parent to guide us.
I wonder how it all got started. Could it be that the first man alive began eating anything and everything he could, deciding what tasted right and what didn’t? Could it be that he died from eating something poisonous?
And what about other people. Clearly a whole world couldn’t be created by just one lonely man walking around the earth, there had to be someone else. And how did they take care of themselves? How did they know how to keep themselves and their children alive?
I ask questions like that… yet I’m typing on this laptop, who was created by those same humans, just several thousand years ago. Isnn’t it amazing how we figured out all this? How we came from cavemen to this?
I guess the answers to my questions remain a mystery. All I know, however, is that if I had to be that unfortunate first man on earth, I would probably still be walking around, trying all the different plants to see what tasted good, and wondering how in the heck I got here.
Thanks for reading,
type you later,

Monday’s Musings 7: why I sometimes wonder if the world should end

Hey guys,
Steve here.

I probably should’ve written a disclamer for the Monday’s Musings posts… but I didn’t. So I’m warning you, that from this point on, it is in your best interest to take a chill pill before reading some of the Monday’s musings posts, because they explain my true feelings about stuff, and sometimes that might be negative or a bit harsh. So just know, that these are only my thoughts, and that I intend to bring no harm… but to get them out.

You might be wondering where that came from, but it has to do with this post in particular. Because there is one thought that passes through my mind quite frequently–should this world end?
We often hear on the news about people committing crimes, or awful tragedies that none of us could imagine happening to us. Furthermore, we live in a world full of turmoil and fighting; hunger, anger, pain…
and I often wonder, would it be best if the world came to an end, and we started fresh?
I believe that everyone in this world has a good side. I believe that if everyone could focus on the good things in life, there would be no war; no hard times… because we’d all be there for each other. I believe that if something happened–even if it were the end of civilization, that it would be an eye opener to us all, and teach us that all the politics, disagreements, and even our differences were all just little things. It would teach humanity that all the lives lost and the hard times were all for nothing. Doesn’t it make you think “What are we doing? Why are we making things so complicated for ourselves?”

I do not wish anyone any harm, only that something substantial enough to teach us to focus on loving, protecting, or even at least finding some way to agree with each other could happen, even if it had to be apocalyptic.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,