good news and a new release

Hello you guys,
There are some things I have to talk about, seen as how I haven’t blogged in 3 days.
I was walking down to PE class, it was one of those normal mornings. There wasn’t much on my mind, it was just the usual excited feeling about getting to listen to my iPod or get on the computer the whole PE class, the stress of having to go to social studies and Tech, and the relief that it was Friday. Everything was normal, that is until my sister’s 7th grade english teacher came up to me. Keep in mind, Libby is a 9th grader now, so I usually never even saw her english teacher. I never even met the teacher when Libby was in her class, because I was in elementary school. Well, she walks up and tells me the following news:

Hey Steven,
this is MS Roland, your syster’s 7th grade english teacher. I was working in the library with MS Seltzer grading the star practice writing papers, and she says your’s is really good. She says that she is going to use this as an example for other kids, and that how you wrote your paper is how all the kids should.

By the way, MS Seltzer is my current english teacher.
I was astonished at the thought that my paper could’ve been so good! I’d barely spent any time and effort on it, because I was ready to end this dang test. In fact, I spent 35 minutes on that paper, and the teacher I’d tested with wasn’t satisfied because I’d not spent even an hour on it. Well, apparently it turned out good enough anyway. All I can say is that made me feel honored.

Now, on to the release.

There is a gamebook that I am going to put on my gamebooks page. This game will be released in 3 parts, and the first game will come out on March 3rd. Here is a summary.

You are on your fishing boat, your dog Teto is calmly sleeping behind you. You are focused on your work, indulgent upon catching probably the biggest fish you’d ever seen. All of a sudden, the sun stops beating on your back, and Teto starts to howl. You turn around, and see that a storm is moving in.

All of a sudden, the wind starts blowing, so you get out your life raft, and a belt to tie Teto down just in case. Unfortunately, you are unprepared for the shocking yet suttle turn of events that follow. All of a sudden, the storm moves in without warning, capsizing your boat and causing Teto to fall away from you. All you can do now, is hop on your life raft.

That is what you do. You sit there, battling the extreem force of the horendous storm as it batters your small frame, and throws the liferaft around murcilessly.

Finally, the storm stops, leaving in its wake a beautiful sunset. There are 3 problems:
1. Teto is gone.
2. You are trapped in the middle of a raging river.
3. Your body is extremely sour.

All you can do now, is let the current cary you. It eventually carys you to an island, where you must now find your way to the trap door in the clearing.

This game has several omonous traps involved, ones that might be hard to avoid. Don’t get mad at me or your computer, and just realise that you will eventually win the game.

Note that I won’t be held accountable for damages inflicted to yourself or other valuable property. This is the consiquence of your ratical temper, thus I won’t be the one who fixes any of your stuff, or pays for it.

Also, If you cannot bare the thought of losing your dog, don’t get this game.
Hope you enjoy!

Once again, this game comes out on March 3rd! Happy playing!