Flee, Flee

Hey guys,
Steve here.
I wrote this up for a number of reasons. I hope you enjoy it. It may not make sense to any of you, but if it does, awesome. If not, I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Flee, flee,
hiding in a tree.
Flee, flee,
what is it you see?
Flee, Flee,
What will it be?
Will you show your face, or will you hide from me?
Flee, Flee,
coming down the tree.
The bark is rough, beneath your feet.
But Flee, Flee,
don’t you see?
The feast that awaits is yours to be!
But flee, Flee,
no longer in the tree,
won’t get your boon, cowering before the beast.
Flee, flee,
the food you seak,
Can be yours, if you will just come and eat.

Living In a Yard

Hey guys,
Steve here.
First of all, I want to tell you that though it says “you” a lot, this poem is not aimed at any individual or group of people. It’s just a work of humor, and no offense is intended.
I was extremely bored when I wrote this, although I’ve had the idea as a small outcast in my mind for some time. However, I couldn’t figure out how to get it into a poem, until about 15 minutes before I went to bed last night. It required some revisions, though. 😛
Nonetheless, have fun reading. I hope this makes you laugh!
How does it feel,
to live in a yard?
To stare at a house,
from which you are barred?
To feel like a mouse,
who’s dignity is scarred,
because alas,
you live in a yard?
Does it make you frown,
To be torn and scarred?
or to sleep on a ground,
that is cold and hard?
To look filthy brown,
Your body marred,
To come to a town,
and live in a yard?
There are many a home,
close and far.
to which you could go,
by foot or car.
So don’t you know,
that it is quite bizarre,
that the home you chose,
was my front yard?
There you go. As you could see, it was more humor than anything else. However, should some one randomly decide that your front yard makes a good home, then this is something you can say to them. However, since such a behavior would be highly unusual, and most people would rather stay in a house than the associated yard, I don’t believe you’ll ever have to use this.
Happy Monday! I’ll post an actual update in the coming days, just needed to get this little poem out.
Thanks for reading,
type you later,

A Great Week of Bringing Poems to Life and Other Things

Hey guys,
Steve here.
You’re not going to believe this! It turns out that “Flamity Flame the Lame Audio Game,” the poem I wrote and published on last Wednesday’s blog post, has become…exactly what it talks about–an audio game!
Though I’ve indeed brought this game to reality, it is a twisted one; the audio game is not exactly as it was depicted in the poem. Nonetheless, I tried to structure it around most of the rules outlined therein, so that the result was mostly as expected: You are placed on a game board, James is there as well, he does not make a sound, and you must kill him.
However, I strayed a bit from the main idea. James is able to shoot back, if you give him time to anyway. When you square up with him, he is raising up his gun, and you’d better fire like crazy before he has time to. However, if you’re too slow to fire enough shots to take him down, as is likely to be the case, it will be necessary to step to the left or right one time to get out of the line of fire, and take a small 5 second break or so, before moving back to where James is and proceeding to blast him to oblivion. This system helps to test one’s quick thinking and reflexive skills, while also laying the foundations for an action packed, quick paced arcade style shooter game, something that was definitely not described in the poem.
Secondly, rather than killing James once, there are five levels; James has five lives; four less than your average cat, four greater than your average James. In each of these unfortunate, short lives, James’s is more angry than in previous ones. Proceeding the burning out of one of James’s lives, you will advance a level, and hear a threat. As you achieve higher levels, you will notice that these comments grow more angry and bloodthirsty. This is only the precursor to a level filled with faster shots from James that could easily slice off a significant chunk of health, and result in your quick and almost, and I emphasize almost, painless death.
There is some good news for you, though. Unlike poor old, slow, angry James who cannot actually walk, You can move away from him safely and confide in the fact that he won’t follow. Also, though your health does not reset following the start of a new level, you’ll notice that it takes less shots to kill James in the higher levels; though the main goal in those levels is still to kill James, the underlying goal is to time your attacks so that James doesn’t have time to shoot back, a task that can be quite daunting.
Another perk is that unlike James, the firing time limit on your gun is not directly set in the game; this means that you will be able to fire as fast as you can press the space bar. So while the game gets increasingly challenging, there are several constant factors that place the game mostly in your favor.
For the first time, I actually have a reward for those of you who just read that–a download link! Since Flamity Flame was such a small project, it is already released, and can be Downloaded from this link.
In the package, I’ve included both a documentation, and an audio strategy demo, and I recommend that you have a look at both.
Moving away from Flamity flame, I suppose I’ll include a short update on my life, by that I mean a quick summary, since the previous part of this post went a lot longer than I intended it to.
My birthday went exactly as I thought it would. I overloaded on some great food, relaxed, and went to school, that list of events being in order from most to least important. The only unexpected occurrence, was that I bought a space upgrade for the blog, meaning that instead of having to upload pod casts and such to Drop Box, I can now upload those files to my blog, and have been in the process of doing so. Since I transferred pod casts first, both the feed and page work, though for those of you who are subscribed to the feed you might be asked to download all episodes again.
As for the weekend, there’s not much to say there. My sister and dad were out of town, so it was just me and my mom. I basically spent the weekend relaxing, eating junk food, and then Sunday we were at church all day. Also, I recorded a podcast on Death Match A New Beginning, and had the privilege of having Danny on the podcast over Skype. You should seriously listen to it.
That concludes this quite lengthy post. Enjoy the new little game, and Happy Flaming!
Thanks for reading,
Type you later,

Poems and Updates

Hey guys,
Steve here.

Two days have come and passed,
Wednesday is here at last.
Oh how life can go so fast,
some times don’t you wish you could make it last?
Well during that time I worked on my game book,
with which my goal is to get you hooked,
and not complain about how long playing it took.
And in this post I plan to give you a quick look.
Also I have a great surprise,
This is sure to make your spirits rise.
But be sure not to close your eyes,
for in this post the excitement lies.
Also the weather has been quite cold,
and honestly I think it’s getting old.
A warm cup of coco I wish I could hold,
I want it to be hot, but not to scold.
But instead I sit here thinking of what to write,
on this cold but happy autumn night.
Bundled up, nice and tight,
where the temperature is just right.

How did you like my poem? It was kind of a clever way to sum up what I have to say in this post.
First, since that was the first stanza, I’ll talk about the past two days. On Tuesday, I’m proud to say I got another item on my to-do list out of the way. Trashua is officially nine! Talk about wanting to make life last and wondering why it has to go so fast, jeez I can’t believe that cat is already nine!
Also, I have worked more on stranded. I can’t give you a summary, but have enough info to tell you what to expect close to the beginning. Let me do it in a fun way…


Stranded part three! The third installment of the stranded series!
Today’s forecast is, slugs the size of simi trucks, portals, modified google self driving cars, and mysterious forests!
Okay let’s get serious again. On the part where I was telling you the forecast above, those are the objects you encounter at the beginning of the story. Spoiler alert :).
Expect more information about the game, along with insight into more erratic things that you will find as I continue to set up the world for Stranded part three!

Onto podcast news, I’m proud of myself! I didn’t actually let you loyal blog readers down again. You appreciate my work, and I respect and appreciate you guys for reading this stuff. So, I decided to go ahead and do the right thing, despite my severe case of I Don’t Feel Like It itis, and get at least one podcast episode out of the way. As I said in stanza three of my poem, I have a surprise, but don’t close your eyes. The podcast has once again gone through changes. These changes, however, are far more significant than a simple name change, one of which occured a couple months ago when the Steven D podcast became the Steven and Devin podcast. Now, I have deleted and added new segments. Instead of a life and weather segment, my podcast starts with news and announcements segment, which covers news about the site, game and/or software previews that I might be covering, new developements such as storm or game recordings, and anything else I think would be revelent for that segment.
Next, I have the intresting things segment. Here, I will share intresting tips, such as hooking your microphone to your computer, getting your computer to talk back to you, doing a backflip across the solar system from the moon to Pluto and other stuff like that. 🙂 🙂
By the way, while the microphone thing is still fresh in your mind, I got a really funny comment from my spannish teacher, mister_madrid on Monday’s post. “You should work for the government mr Bond,” it said. I didn’t get it at first, but now I do. He was calling me James bond, the fictional character created by Ian Flemming, and featured in 12 novels and 2 short storie collections. James bond was an intelogence officer who worked for the secret intelligence service, commonly known as MI6. James Bond’s code name was 007. Don’t you think 007 would be the best thing to name a someone?

Getting back to what I originally came to write about, the weather has been very cold the past two days. If you remember Monday’s post, I said it would be that way for a few days. What I said about that coco in my poem is actually true. I really want some hot chocolate right about now.
This weekend though, it is supposed to warm up. It is supposed to get to eighty on Sunday, in sharp contrast to the upper fourties we had yesterday.
And finally, I don’t know if you know this or not, but this morning was the first official freeze of the season! Well I can say, it sure is freezin’ in this autumn season.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,