Today went OK. I woke up at around 8:00 AM because me, my dad, and my sister were going to my sister’s beeping baseball practice. When we got there it was about 9:30 AM. I sat on the bleachers for about 30 to 40 minutes. Then, my dad said that I could go to the playground. I went there while him and Libby’s team practiced beeping baseball. I played there for about 50 minutes swinging, sliding some slides, throwing wood chips down the slides, and even sliding a slide that was to small. On that slide that was to small, I thudded down it panefully. I thaught it was really funny. I went back to the playing field and sat on the bleachers. Afew minutes later at around 11:10 AM, we left the field and went out to eat. We were there for about an hour. After we got home, I just sat around and did nothing. For dinner I ate Pizza rolls. Those are so good. Well, that is what I did today.

Today went good. In the morning, I went to beeping-baseball with my sister. Why she practiced, I went to the playground by my self. It was so fun! I rode a cupple of slides and swung a little bit to. The funny thing is that I went down a slide that was to small for me and bounced down it with several