Hey guys,
Steve here.
What do you know? It’s already been 1000 days! 1000 days of life updates,podcasts, game reviews; 1000 days with me, Steven D!
For me, it has been a very exciting and fun 1000 days. I enjoyed writing each and every post, and even more so I enjoyed the fact that you loyal readers stuck with my blog through the times of stress, excitement, anger, happiness, fun, humor, and yes, even sometimes my lack of motivation to blog–even when I went weeks without a post, you guys patiently waited for the next post, and didn’t give up on this blog… and for that I thank you! Because although it was me who wrote all the posts, me who spent my time thinking and typing, and me who took the time to set up everything for you guys, what matters is that you took the time out of your day to check my site out, and show your appreciation for the site, despite some of my posts not being too good (the how my day wents), and yes, I admit it it, my spelling isn’t too good. Thank you for looking passed all that and enjoying and getting the true meaning of this blog!
Moving on, since my annual report was 2 weeks ago, I won’t give a 1000 day report, as I think that even though I gained more followers and views, I think that another report would be a bit redundant. So instead, I’ll brief you in on my current life happenings, because then I want to pull out my favorite zombie book (wait, I have a lot of those), and take a warm bath, and finally go to bed, because I had to wake up at 5:45 this morning and will have to do it again tomorrow.
Ever since Thursday, life has been relatively normal. As I said on Thursday’s post, however, I had to start waking up at the ungodly time of 5:45 to ride the bus to school. I mean that bus picks me up when it’s still dark outside! not okay!
On other news, goalball started up again on Saturday. I still need to work on ridding myself of the fear of the ball (every time the other team throws it at me, I bunch up because I don’t want to get nailed, because that would probably make for a bad day. I’m sure, however, that with a little more practice I should be fine.
Aside from goalball, we didn’t go to church on Sunday, because my dad had to do something (I think it had to do with laying tile in the laundry room and getting a certain amount done before he had to go out of town the next day). So, instead of going to church, my sister and I watched frozen, a Disney movie that is actually pretty good.
As for Monday through today, those were normal school days. I’m sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but if we have to do sight reading in choir class another day from now until February, I am going to screem and pull my hair out! I like the teacher, and the class is fun, but sight reading is so boring that I don’t know how to put it in words… mainly because I’m a blind person and sight reading requires sight.
Aside from that, I started a new, you guessed it, zombie book. I’ve already read the enemy, the dead, and the fear, all written by Charlie Higson, Plague town and Plague Nation, written by Dana Fredsty, Day by day Armageddon, day by day Armageddon: beyond exile, and day by day Armageddon: shattered hour glass by J.L. Bourne, and am now reading Rot and Ruin, Benny Imura #1 by Jonathan Maberry… so as you see I’ve been reading a lot of zombie books; they are action packed and interesting, though can sometimes be a bit disturbing.
On a final note, I get to miss second period tomorrow. My science class is going to the planetarium during that class, so no math class for me. I will still have to go to choir… so if I’m balled and don’t have a voice, you know why (jk).
I guess that about wraps up tonight’s post. I hope you have enjoyed it, and look forward to my next 1000 days of posting, as well as posts further in the future.
Thanks for reading,
type you later,