how my day went

Today, I got up at 5:00 in the morning because I fell asleep early last night due to my alergy symptoms. When I got up, I worked on my blog and other stuff on the computer. After that, I got ready and went to school like normal. After school, the first thing I did when I got home was make a paper airplain. You can clearly see that making plains has becomed one of my greatest hobbies. If you have guessed that, you are right. After I played with that plain for a wile, I made another one and threw it around until about 5:00.
After that, I played on the computer until dinner. After dinner, I played on the computer and talked to my dad for about 30 minutes before going upstares and watching storm stories. I fell asleep at the end of that and stayed asleep for about an hour. When I woke up, I hung out with my mom for a few minutes then took a shower. After that, I came downstares and got on the blog. That is all I did today.
