
Hey you guys,

Steve here.

I had quite a good weekend. My goalball coach said I did really good. Also, I finally got that game put up, so I hope that you will enjoy it.

On the other hand, I wasn’t ready to face the challenge of school today. You know, weekends just fly by way too fast. It is like you are going home from school on Friday, only to blink your eyes and be back again. One thing to look forward to however is the prospect of being on spring break next week. That is the only sperit lifter I can think of at the moment, it being Monday and all.

On the weather forecast however, there is going to be a very warm today. It is supposed to reach 85 digrees, something I haven’t experienced in so long, I don’t even know the date that last happened. To top that off, it will be 57 tomorrow afternoon. It is warmer than that right now at about 9:30 in the morning!
Also, last Monday there was freezing cold windy weather, with highs in the upper 40’s. Think back to 168 hours ago, how cold it was. Amarillo was being pounded with heavy snow, and we were getting a couple flurries. Take that back, perhaps it was about 162 hours ago, since the cold came in the afternoon. Now, we are in the 80’s, how is that?

back to my life, I am addicted to two new games. I will give you the links to download them at the app store at the bottom of this post. One is called accessible minesweeper, sited people can play too, and the other is called tap the mole. Tap the mole is also accessible for blind people, yet again sited players can play this one as well.
Since I couldn’t go out and do much yesterday, I was able to buy and play these games. I’m thinking about going over to apple vis, a website for aps and stuff for blind people using mac computers and IOS devices, and searching for more games.

To wrap up this post, I think today will be a good day, and that the coming week will be pretty good as well. Also, just in case you didn’t know, I have alergies again, however I don’t think that will stop me from having a good week.
I hope you had a good weekend, and have a good week as well.
Thanks for reading,
type you later,

P.S. links to the games in the app store.

tap the mole
accessible minesweeper

Have a nice day!
