Steven D Podcast Episode 26: They Don’t Stop Comin’! (BK3, part 9)

This is part 9 of my series on the action rpg BK3. Here, I complete stage 15 and part of 16, facing levels full of all sorts of nasty things! Remember how it was hinted that Peace was running out of energy to generate monsters? Yeah. Clearly not!

Steven D Podcast Episode 22: Godlord Does it Best… Alone! (BK3, Part 7)

This is another continuation of my BK3 let’s-play.

I’m not quite sure why they had her fighting along side me, but we learned today that Carla of the Peace Society was not a good soldier. Seriously. How the hell did she ever gain command of that army? She literally gets herself killed all the time, unless I’m like… right there baby sitting her. Gah!

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Steven D Podcast Episode 18: Electronic Turmoil Behind the Red Painted Forth Wall (BK3, part 5)

This is a continuation of my ongoing playthrough of BK3, an action RPG that is part of a series developed by a strange young fellow named Yukio Nazawa.

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Steven D Podcast Episode 16: Bitter Irony and Evil Things (BK3, Part 4)

This part of our epic adventure is full of emotional roller coasters for everyone’s favorite King Godlord. Join me as the fight against this misterious organization, who plans to take our city and make it their own, transitions from somewhat serious to a fight of desperation and personal vengence! Perhaps today is the day that King Godlord learns that – not every problem can be solved with intimidation and loud claps of thunder. And sometimes, even the victories that seem tremendous to us all simply aren’t enough.
Don’t worry. That may have sounded sad, but this episode definitely is not. Even in trying times, our resilient character can find the humor in everything – and this is no exception!

Steven D Podcast Episode 14: When it All Falls Down (bk3, part 3)

Let me tell you a story: there was once a mayor of a tiny town under attack who said, “Find a safe place if you don’t want to die.” And then, he died.

Listen to this rather amusing part 3 of my BK3 playthrough, as I complete the rest of stage 2 and most of stage 3.

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Steven D Podcast Episode 12: the Real Problem in Today’s Schools (BK3, part 2)

Today, I continue my lets play of BK3, started in episode 8 of the podcast. I complete stage 1 and move on to stage 2.

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Steven D Podcast Episode 8: the Ultimate Downfall to Havin’ a Ball is Getting Bonked on the Head (BK3, part 1)

Whether it’s rocks, slime, or flying electrified lamps, we find out that getting bonked on the head by anything is really not a good way to go!