how my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I came home, took alergy medacine, then did homework. After that, I played on the computer for a while, and then listened to my book until dinner. After that, I just unloaded the dish washer, put up my clothes, then just spent the rest of my time editing my website, until I posted my blog. That is all I did today.

How my day went

Today, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I got picked up early, so I came home and played on the computer. Then, I laid in my bed for a while, played on the computer, ate dinner, and then watched tv. Then, I played on the computer until I had to do chores, then I watched tv, finished the chores, ate a snack, played with my i-pod, then posted my journal. That is all I did today.

what’s happenin’

Hello guys, I am having a good night. it hasn’t been long since I posted my how my day went journal entery, but I just wanted to chat. So, I’ve been addicted to the game River Raders by x sight interactive, and cannot stop playing it. There is one problem though, and it is that the game gives me headaches occasionally. Yeah, those aren’t the best things that have ever happened to me, aspecially when it is just my sister and I at home alone. But, I have also had a cough lately, that I am starting to get over. This is a big reliefe, because the coughs I’ve been having were preety painful.
Thirdly, I’ve still been writing, working out, and spending the rest of my time doing purely nothing. For the last few nights, I’ve gone to bed early, and awakened early the next morning. This isn’t usual for me, but its been going on since last Wednesday, the day of the bike ride. Yeah, it was just one day, but I’ve still been using that as an excuse to my sister, who thinks its strange that I go to sleep and wake up so early.
If you’re wondering about Bell (I call her Blue Bell) she is doing good. Besides the fact that there isn’t one day where I don’t get a fresh cut or 2 (or 3, 4, even 5 some time,) she is still a cute cat.

how my day went

Today, I got up and hung out with my sister for a while. Then, we worked out, and I fell off the treadmill (it didn’t hurt that bad, but it was a shock.)
Then, I hung out with libby for a while, until she played violin, and I played with a cat toy. Then we ate lunch, and mom and dad got home. When that happened, I did the treadmill again because I was bored, then played on the computer and piano. Then, I took a shower and ate a snack. Then, me, mom, and Libby went major grocery shopping, and it took us over 2 hours. When we got back, I ate dinner, and got on the blog. That is all I did today.

at the airport

Hey guys,

I am now at the airport getting ready to fly home. I am currently at the Portland International Jetport. My plain doesn’t board for 15 to 20 minutes, and so I just got on the computer. I am just sitting hear, blogging on my laptop, connected to the airport’s guest network.

I am not looking forward to going back home. The temperatures are supposed to be around 106 today, and where I am right now, it is in the 60’s. Even though I am just coming home from vacation, I have a camp coming up on Sunday, so it looks like i’m just going to get home, and not have any time to unpack.

The worst part about traveling back to Texas from Maine, is the temperature and air quality change. In Maine, the air is cool and easy to breathe. When I step off the plain back in Texas, I literately have to catch my breath.

It has been a fun vacation for all of us,, and it seems like it flew by. I wish it wasn’t over, but all of us are kind of ready to go home to Texas.
The first thing I want to do when I get home, is see Trashua (my kitty).

Well, I wish you all a good day, and for all of you going on vacation, I am jealous of you.

On the bright side, this was the first vbacation that I didn’t get a sun burn. I usually get those when I spend too much time on the beach.

Well, even though I love talking to you guys, I’ve probly got to go. I better hurry and stop typing, before I get adicted all over again. So, by, and I will post again later.

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