A great Christmas!

Hey guys,
Steve here.

Before we get started, I have an important thing to tell you followers of this blog. For some reason, “how my day went” posts from last year have been appearing on my blog this year. When I did the daily entries, I sometimes forgot to do them that day, and typed them up the next day and changed the publish time to the day it was origionally supposed to publish on. For example:

I forgot to post the journal entry on December 26, 2012. So on December 27, I wrote it up, went to the “date published” section of my new posts page, and told it to say that it had been published on December 26, 2012 so that people who were new visitors of my blog would think I never forgot to post the how my day went entries. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that I selected 2013 on the publish year, instead of 2012, thus you have been getting random posts in your in box. I will do my best to make sure this doesn’t happen anymore, so you can continue to enjoy my normal content without any annoying interruptions.

With that taken care of, let me tell you about my rather intresting last 7 days or so. On Wednesday, I posted that life update, as I’m sure you have found out by now. I won’t talk about that day, since I’m sure I did in that post.
Thursday was not really exciting. It was an early release day at my school, but I didn’t have my computer, so I had a hard time finding stuff to do… but I survived :).
Friday was exciting. First of all, it marked the start of winter break! Also on Friday, my church youth group had a camp out. As for the camp out, I told the church people, and my sister that it was going to rain, but they did it anyway (it was fun, and I wanted it to happen, but I was giving them a heads up). Turns out, I was right. We were awakened in the middle of the night to pounding rain, and intense lightning. We ended up having to get up at 4 in the morning, in the freezing cold rain, and walk back to the church.

On Saturday, me, Libby, and dad attended a christmas party that my that my dad’s step mother’s side of the family set up. It ended up being pretty fun… but I did learn one thing:
Don’t eat two two inch blocks of solid fudge. You’ll feel sick!

Sunday and Monday weren’t too exciting. Those days were filled with ever growing excitement for the coming holiday, and on Sunday our Christmas church service.

On Tuesday, my dad’s dad’s side of the family had a party. Man, I’m not sure who made dinner, but that person can cook some roast beef! After enjoying that roast beef, we opened presents and generally had a good time.

After the Christmas party, me, my sister, my mom, and my dad had our Christmas celebration. We opened our presents Christmas eve night, because my mom was going to work the next day and if we had waited we would’ve had to get up at 4 in the morning, something I wouldn’t have minded, but mom and dad would’ve.

Christmas was pretty uneventful. Since my dad’s side of the family had their celebrations, and my mom’s will have theirs in January (my great grandma and great uncle will be coming down), we just went to Apple Bee’s.

As for today, it has gone well. I haven’t done much of anything, besides messing with the stuff I got for Christmas.

Now that we have the life update out of the way, let me tell you what I got for Christmas.
1. an olympus me51s high quality stereo microphone. My Spanish teacher called me James Bond for making my IPhone a wireless microphone for my computer–just wait until he finds out about this 1 inch wide, 1 half inch thick microphone that can pick up noise from a long distance away.
2. Digital air drumb sticks. My parents didn’t want me to have a big old drumb set, because it would make lots of tremendously loud noise, so they got me these drumb sticks that make sound. I haven’t explored them yet, however I will after writing this post.
3. a new laptop. Since my other one broke, I got a new one. Want to know some intresting facts?
fact 1. I can do the podcast using the internal microphone on this one, because it is high quality and will not pick up too much computer noise.
fact 2. The first program I downloaded was swamp, my favorite zombie first person shooter game.
back to my list:
4. a miniature bowling set. It is about the size of a laptop computer, and is actually quite fun. You pull on a little button (It feels like a button, but you pull instead of push) to set up the pins, and it comes with a small ramp to roll the ball off of.
5. Head phones. I got two pares of them, and I still have a working pare. Looks like I won’t have to buy any in the near future.
6. sweat pants. I got 2 or 3 pares, so I could say that I won’t need to buy any more of those either.
7. a remote control car. It is really cool, and is fast, and can pop wheelies.
8. a robot called the doom raiser. It walks around, and shoots phome discs at people… pretty much raising doom.
9. gift cards, and money. You can never go wrong with that.
10. t-shirts. I already have a lot, but some more comfortable clothes can’t hurt.
11. a talking coin counter. It looks like a jar, but the lid has a slot for dropping coines, and buttons for checking how much money is in the jar, and adding or subtracting to the ammount. When you slip a coin into the jar, it tells you something like “10 cents” or “1 cent,” and then gives you the total amount.

I don’t believe I left anything out… but if I did I will put it in on another post.

I guess that about wraps up today’s post, because that’s about all I have to day. Otherwise, I hope you and your family had a merry Christmas, and enjoy your new year. I look forward to another great year of posting–and be sure to expect an annual stats report on December 31.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

updates and some devastating news

Hey guys,
Steve here.

For the first time in… well I don’t know how long, I have some bad news. This isn’t just bad news that will affect me; it will affect a lot of you guys, and bring some great disappointment.
For some reason, my computer has broken. It’s not the average virus or blue screen; nope, my hard drive stopped spinning. It turns on, makes some weird noises, and then just stops all together. I’m thinking that the hard drive is stuck… and if that’s the case, and my dad has the time, knowledge, tools, and is willing to, he might be able to open up the computer and adjust the drive if that’s the issue. If not, I will have to use the netbook, another smaller and slower computer but one that I can use. Fortunately, that problem will be easy to fix for me.
You might not think this affects you, but it does. For one, I will definitely not be doing the podcast episode on Saturday. I am using my school computer, and this does not have the game I was going to do, and nor does it have administrative privileges for my account. In addition, I can’t download dropbox, so the file would not be uploaded. Fortunately, due to dropbox uploading everything you put in the folder, if my computer’s hard drive were to be beyond repair, the site files would still be safe and uploaded.
Also, due to my computer being broken, you and I can forget stranded for now anyway. It will definitely not be released in seven days, unless a miracle just so happened to occur. If my hard drive can’t be restored, the release of stranded will be pushed back way further because I’ll have to restart.
As for me, I cannot play swamp any longer… so that is also disappointing.

On a better note, today was the last full day of school before winter break. I’m not sure why, and definitely not complaining, but we have two early release days (tomorrow and Friday). In addition, I won’t have to go to all my classes each day either. Tomorrow I have to go to choir, math, social studies, and English, while on Friday I go to Spanish, orchestra, science, and then back to English. I don’t think we’ll be doing much work, so I guess I’d better charge up my book reader and download some nice interesting thrillers.
Even though the schedules are flipped around tomorrow and Friday, I really don’t care. I just want those two days of school to be done and out of the way–because once school is over with, the wait until Christmas will be a lot less agonizing.
On other news, my parents have started Christmas shopping. It’s not bad now… but once there are gifts under the tree that I bump into, it will be very tempting, I’m sure of it. On the bright side, that will only last a few days.
As a final note, I hope you all liked my Monday’s Musings post. I know that quite a few of you liked the part about the “messed up fur advisories.” That was something I added just to put some humor in that post.

Thanks for reading,
Type you later,
I’m glad I got the broken computer news out on this blog post, because even though it was important, it also helped with some of the frustration and anger that I had because the computer broke. And now don’t you see why I love writing so much?

An overdo update… well sort of

Hey guys,
Steve here.

When writing a blog post, I often find myself looking through it and trying to polish my writing. It seems as though I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my writing, even if I don’t pay much attention to spelling. That is probably the main, and only reason I haven’t blogged recently–the limit on time would rush me in the post writing process, and it would come out to me as being crappy.
I did quite a lot the past week; there were lots of things on my mind, lots of things I had to get done. I don’t know whether I had a stressful or exciting week; both of those emotions played a big role in my past few days. I guess that I’ll unfold my week for you guys in chronological order.
That was one of the least active days of the past week. I was disappointed that my school district held classes, but none the less I was still thankful for that unexpected 3 day weekend. One thing I did that day was post my Monday’s Musings post, which I hope you liked by the way.
Tuesday was when the stress started rolling in. On Tuesday, I found out that I had several written things I had to do for my history project. A title page, a process paper, and my topic… what I was doing (type of presentation)… and who was in my group. I normally prefer to work alone on these kinds of things so as not to slow me down or cause me to receive a bad grade because of miscommunication. Well I had to get those turned in by Thursday, and not to mention the project is due Monday. Thank God I’m almost done with it.
Besides the project, there was the choir concert. I was looking forward to it, however it added something to my to-do list. And, to top that off, now that I’m almost done with the history project, the thought that I have to work on Stranded is slowly creeping its way tback to the front of my mind.
So I guess that with all that stuff going on, I just haven’t had the time nor had I the motivation to blog the past few days. Speaking of which, let me tell you about the rest of my week.
On Wednesday, I forgot the NJHS meeting. Oh well, I got the hour sheet to the teacher, and all she did was act surprised… but I wasn’t kicked out. Unexpected, but none the less good for my college resume.
On Thursday, nothing much happened. I was relaxing in the bath, listening to another episode of We’re Alive, an audio drama about the zombie Apocalypse I remember mentioning on this blog, when I heard of a book that caught my attention. It’s called the Enemy, and is written by Charlie Higson. The book is about a mysterious disease that suddenly strikes everyone over the age of 16. They develop huge pustules, blisters, and boils, soon after they go mad and turn into zombies (eating kids and the like). And finally, they die… in a way that I’d rather not mention on this blog. I think you could read it because although you get a feel for how the disease progresses (from going mad to dieing), it’s not the most gruesome book you’ll ever read. And don’t tell me you’ve never read a gruesome book in your life.
Back on topic, let me tell you about Friday:
Friday was Friday the 13th. That sort of snuck up on me, but luckily nothing bad happened. I just remember waking up yesterday going “Wait… is it Friday the 13th?”
Also, we had a church event with my youth group. There’s only about 5 or 6 people in there, and all of them are fun. We hung out, hid, ate nachos and s’mores, drank hot chocolate, and generally had a good time. It was over around 11, and I was pretty tired.
So today started unexpectedly. I was awakened by my bedroom light, and my dad telling me that I had to go with him to take my “fat cat” to the vet. He had to go because he has a flee alergy and licked his lower back raw.
Anyway, I was genuinely grumpy that I was awakened so early for that reason, but I went anyway. After the vet trip, I spent the rest of the day at home, playing swamp and the like. Tonight was the exciting part, though.
Me, my sister, and my mom got to see catching fire! I won’t give the details, in case you guys didn’t see it yet, but I will tell you it was good. Best of all there was descriptive audio (you’d put on a headphone, and listen to the lady describe what was going on in the movie. So, me and my sister got the real hunger games experience!
Well I guess that about wraps up tonight’s post, because I’m getting tired, and have said all I needed to say plus some extra :). I hope you enjoyed this post, and have a great rest of your weekend!

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

life updates, and a new blog development

Hey guys,
Steve here.

I’m starting something new on my blog. It will happen every Monday, and is called Monday’s musings. On the Monday’s musings post, I will share my thoughts, opinions, and rants. These will not be life updates; although life updates will continue. Basically, a Monday’s Musings post will be for my thoughts and rants that have no part in my life update posts, and wouldn’t make sense in them. I hope you look forward to these new posts!

On to some other things, I did the podcast episode 15 Friday, and will do episode 16 today. As for that q9 series I was doing, I will have to do it differently. Instead of doing worlds now, I will do it level by level, but there are only 6 levels left. It will not be the same thing every time; the amount of action and excitement will increase. Well, I guess that gives me a game of the day for at least the next 5 or 6 episodes. Also, while still on the topic of pod casting, I will try to create a feed burner for the podcast. I hope it works so you can subscribe to the cast with a feed reader or something.

As for my life, I had a fun weekend. Although I didn’t go many places (due to the ice storm that I will tell you about later in the post), I did other fun things. For example, I did the podcast, baked cookies and a cookie cake with my mom, hung out with dad yesterday, and talked to friends on Skype and wrote this blog post today.
Although I appreciated the unexpected 3 day weekend, I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. That will bring back the stress, the work, the projects… and everything else that goes along with having to go to school. On a positive note, winter break is in two weeks. I seriously can’t wait for that! Oh and by the way, I finally composed a Christmas list, so I bet my parents and the rest of my family are happy.
On another note, my old vision teacher, and a family friend named Dawn has created a really great blog. I think you should check it out. The address is

As for the winter storm, I definitely did not get ripped off. That storm was pretty extreme–it dumped 1 to 3 inches of ice and sleet, and from Thursday night to about an hour ago I think, temperatures did not go above 32. I caught a recording of this for the interesting segment of episode 15 of the podcast, and I also got one on the natural events page.

Well I guess that about concludes today’s post. I’ll be back tomorrow night with the first Monday’s Musings post. Please comment on tomorrows post when it comes out and tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

Latest news concerning Steven D: Winter storm causes extreme excitement, a strange thing or 2 about school, and out with the sister… temporarily anyway

Hey guys,
Steve here.

As I’m sure you know by reading my blog post about a week and a half ago, the winter storm that was expected to hit our area turned out to be a complete rip-off. The most recent one, which is supposed to begin shortly, has actually turned out to be worse than I last said in my Tuesday entry. Now, my weather radio (see the weather radio forecasts page for Update 2 which will be posted around 10:00 this evening), has told people “do not travel unless it is an emergency.” Not only that, but 1/2 inches of sleet, and 1/2 inches of ice accumulation are expected over night. Also, if it doesn’t sound obvious to you by now, there is also a winter storm warning in affect. Although the warning only extends through 6:00 tomorrow evening, temperatures will remain below freezing through mid day Sunday, and another round of wintery precipitation is expected Saturday through Sunday morning.
Besides weather, my sister has gone to Austin for the weekend. She is going down for an O&M (orientation & mobility) thing with our O&M teacher (I’ve been wrapped up in my life to know anything more about the trip). All this means for me, however, is that Libby will be gone for 3 days; piece and quiet at last :))).

In the title of this post, I recall saying something about a “strange thing or 2 about school.” What I meant by this was my progress report. As of right now, my grade in math exceeds that of orchestra. The math grade, 100, strangely tops the orchestra grade of 89. Although both grades are good, I still can’t believe that I’m making a better grade in one of the hardest core subjects than I am in some easy (just because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s not fun) alective class like orchestra.
While I’m still on the subject of school, I am proud to say that I’ve started my National History Day Project. I’m doing it over the underground railroad (the theme is rights and responsibilities). I will definately finish it by the due date (December 13, I think), and after that is out of the way I will do Stranded.

In the podcasting part of my life, I only have one more make-up episode to complete–Episode 15. Of course, I have episode 17 to do on Saturday, but that is a scheduled episode, and not one I have to make up. Also, as episode 14 was recorded, expect me to use my sony ICD-PX720 recorder to record most of the podcast, except of course the game of the day section.
By the way, while still on the topic of the podcast, I have all but one of the remaining episodes of 2013 completely planned out. Do not, however, think I’m going to spoil anything.

On another note, I recorded and submitted that review for main menu (the radio show that reviews products for blind people). And although this review was submitted Wednesday night, I still have yet to receive confirmation that the review is going to be included in this week’s edition of main menu.

Finally, I am still editing the website. The navigation menu is all kinds of messed up; links to certain pages such as blog test 2012 appearing twice in the menu. Fortunately for you however, I am working diligently to fix this issue. I hope you enjoy the new page names and site revisions! For more information about what I’m doing, see the site news page (I don’t know the exact url, so you’ll have to use my navigation menu (that page is in there).

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

P.s. I got my 100th follower! Thank you so much Nate $mith for being follower 100, and all you other wonder people for being follower 1 through 99!

Happy times and big stressers: a busy start to December

Hey guys,
Steve here.

As I write this post, I’m pretty tired. I want nothing more than another break right about now, as I have quite a bit to do in the next few days. Also, There is some weather stuff I’m excited about, and I’ll tell you about that in this post.

As far as my life, it has been exciting but stressful as I said in the post title. Not much happened after my blog post on Sunday, nothing big anyway. I did however get to spend time with the family–baking cookies, and even decorating the Christmas tree. By the way, my 1 and a half year old cat Bell is already loving the fact that she can (or thinks she can) take down the ornaments and play with them… silly cat!
Getting back to my life, I’ve been busy the last day or so (Yesterday not so much, but today and tomorrow… I am). As for today, I had school, and my orchestra concert afterward, yet there is still more for me to do. I have to do a review for a popular radio show for the blind called Main Menu, where people submit reviews of software and hardware that can be made accessible for blind people. On my review, I will be doing my digital recorder and the software used to convert recordings and change settings on the recorder.
As for tomorrow, I pretty much have the day planned out. It will be school, studying for a test which I will tell you about later on in the post, starting my history day project, church, and doing episode 15 of the podcast, which will be the last one I have to make up. After episode 15, Devin can hopefully join me once again. Sounds like a busy couple of days, right?
As for the test, it’s for Spanish. The amount of nervousness I feel about that is comparable to how my mom feels about the half marathon she is going to run on Sunday. The reason for me being so nervous, is that if I fail, I will fail the semester, and end up having to take Spanish 1 again. I really don’t want this, so please cross your fingers, or pray for me.
Back on the subject of life, I have a choir concert coming up next Thirsday. That is also a day before my history project is due… I think. My NJHS hours are due next Wednesday; I only have 1… but I guess if I get kicked out it will be one less stresser laid upon my life, and what did NJHS really do for me anyway?

At the beginning of this post, I briefly mentioned some exciting weather stuff going to happen. Coming up on Friday into Sunday, there is expected to be a possible winter weather event. I am not too optimistic about this; considering the wrip off I got last week. None the less, I will record and post weather updates starting tomorrow morning, and going through most likely Saturday or Sunday, so stay in tune to the weather radio forecasts page, as that will be the page where all the weather updates will go like last time.
I guess that about wraps up tonight’s post. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and please wish me good luck on that test. Well, you don’t actually have to :))), whether or not you choose to is up to you. Until my next post…

thanks for reading,
type you later,

P.s. I recall promising you a picture of the decorated Christmas tree in Sunday’s post, so here you go. Also is a picture of me baking cookies on Sunday night, and of me standing by the tree before the concert tonight. Also there’s a pic of me playing violin at the concert. Enjoy!

the decorated Christmas tree as I promised
me standing by the Christmas tree before tonight's concert
making cookies... mm.
Johny Rosin up your bow and play that fiddle hard...

Thanksgiving break

Hello all,
Steve here.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and joyful thanksgiving!

As for my thanksgiving, it seemed to fly by. Even though two days were spent doing nothing and being in the house all day, this break still managed to get away… some how.
Tuesday was the last school day. It was long, yet there wasn’t much work to do; I guess that kind of helped. As for Tuesday night, I was happy that the break was finally upon me… so I took advantage of it, and well… took a break and spent the night relaxing.
Wednesday was one of the days I was in the house all day. I worked on Stranded that day, played Hogwarts Live… but did nothing else even close to being productive.
Thursday… now that was a good day! I mean I got to eat a whole bunch, and chill with the family, (what I’m most thankful for).
Friday was another day like Wednesday. But on Friday, I found my digital voice recorder (I hope to record podcasts, game reviews, and storm recordings on it because it is very high quality). I also found out something about headphones that you and I never knew about… but you’ll have to wait until the next podcast release (this should be soon since everything is back to normal in my schedule) to find out what my new tech discovery is.
As for Saturday, all 4 of us got up early and ate at Dennies, before picking out our Christmas tree. I hope to get a picture of it when we decorate it so you can see how it looks. After getting the tree, I spent the rest of the day researching the type of recorder I have (the model), so I could determine what software and/or drivers I would need to connect it to my computer. In case you’re wondering, it’s a Sony ICD-PX720.
Not only did I do that whole recorder thing, but I also reorganized my room, and had to do a whole bunch of cleaning and rearranging. Also last night, I helped my parents and sister bring christmas decorations down from the attic. So basically, yesterday was quite a busy and productive day… *pats myself on the back*.
As for today, it was a sort of average day. After going to church like normal, I just chilled for a while and then all 4 of us went by my nanna’s house so my dad could fix their roof, and then my papa’s house so we could give him a birthday card.
Well I guess that about wraps up this update. I have an orchestra concert Tuesday that I will hopefully blog about, but that’s about it for what’s coming up. Thanks for reading this post!

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

P.s. I have quit work on stranded for now, this way I can focus completely on my National History Day project. I’ll resume work on Stranded once my project is done.

Life updates and a weather wrip-off

Hey guys,
Steve here.

It’s Monday, yet it has already been half the school week. Tomorrow we have school, and then we’re done!

Last weekend, the good weekend it was, ended in a great disappointment. You know that winter storm I was so excited about? Turns out, the prediction was off by 3 degrees; if it had been just a simple 3 degrees colder we would’ve been slammed by unprecedented winter precipitation. In total, one half inch or greater amounts of rain fell across North Texas. According to this artical on the RAL Weather Center website, we could’ve been dealing with between 1.5 and 5 inches of snow, thus leading to a rare and potentially significant storm, one that would certainly reach Winter Storm Warning criteria.
Unfortunately however, the forecast changed approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes after update two of my storm monitoring update was posted to the Weather forecasts page at 6:45 PM CST. Basically, meteorologists decided at last minute that the ground would be too warm to sustain any winter precipitation accumulations, and it turns out no precipitation of that type fell where I live anyway. Although there is the possibility for snow flurries tonight, as stated by my NOAA weather radio, school will most definitely not be canceled for tomorrow, a pretty sucky thing since my school district is like the only one in school this week.

Changing subjects, I have been doing good, but rather cold this Monday and the recent weekend. On Saturday after posting that blog post, I went bowling as promised, and scored 117 points. And, as if the day couldn’t have been any more predictible, I spent the rest of the afternoon, you guessed it, chillin’.
Yesterday, after going to church in that windy blustery weather, I got to chill because I had no sister around, :). I did the following productive things yesterday:
-became a second year student at hogwarts (on the game I play that is supposed to simulate hogwarts, you have to become a level 15, defeat Voldemort, and you advance a year. After the normal seven years at Hogwarts, your title changes to wizard, and eventually god, and I don’t know what from there).
-Took a nap. I consider this a rather productive activity; it recharges your energy level, so you can be ready for the next chapter of your life.
-Figured out what I want to do for my history project and how I’m going to do it.
-Went to church
-Okay, not sure why I’m adding this to my list. This isn’t something productive I did, but I just needed a fifth thing :)).
As for today, I was very tired. A major factor in this was probably the fact that it was almost as dark as night time all day long, it was raining, and it was freezing cold. Inexcusable act(s) of pure stupidity I committed are as follows:
-wore a light sweater to school.
-went to Starbucks and got myself a large frozen coffee drink before having to go outside in this weather. That made my perception of the temperature, or wind chill, someware in the 5 to 10 degree range.
As for right now, I am just lieing hear, typing this blog post. I have nothing else to do for the rest of the evening, except putting up my laundry. *groans* But then again my mom did have to fold, wash, and dry it all for me, so I have the easy task really :))).
Thanks for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed it. The next time I blog will likely be sometime during the break. But just encase it’s not before Friday:
travel safe, eat lots of turkey, stay warm, enjoy thanksgiving, and have a great week!

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

intresting weather, and a life update

Hey guys,
Steve here.

There is a winter storm warning in affect for Texas?
Yeah, you read that right. Tomorrow into Monday afternoon, there is the potential for 1 to 2 inches of sleet and ice accumulations mainly along and west of the Interstate 35 corridor; I am shocked. The winter storm, as of now, could cause power outages, extremely hazardous if not impossible travel conditions, and hopefully no school, but we’ll have to see about that.
I will continue to update you guys on this situation, and maybe post some stuff on the weather forecast page


My life has been good the past several days. I am now a level 13 on the game I’ve been playing, and would be a level 14 perhaps if I wouldn’t quit making such stupid decisions that get me killed. Some of those include fighting enemies that are one to two levels above me and stupidest of all fighting enemies when my hit points (health) are below fifty.
Besides the game, I have been working more on Stranded, but kind of taking it easy. I have created that avoid the Rpg board, but unfortunately there are still parts of it that need touching up, and the process of cleaning the thing up is very confusing (you would have to use the program I’m using to create it to get what I’m talking about).
On other news, I’m in a pretty good mood today. This is probably due to the fact that I just had coffee and got up so nothing has happened, and there’s at least a 50% chance we won’t go to school on Monday, and a 15 to 20% chance we won’t go on Tuesday either. The main reason however, is the fact that I have a weekend to look forward to, and a short school week that is going to be at most two days long, before a nice five day break, even if it is not the longest break you could get.
Finally, if you’re wanting more information about what has happened in the past two or three days, you have come to the right blog post. Thursday was a pretty normal day; after going to school, I was able to just relax and play my game, not worrying about homework or anything like that. Yesterday, after going to school and getting home in all that cold weather, I was presented with a nice surprise. My mom, being the good mom she is, made me hot coco and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies for a snack. Plus, I was able to come home to a warm and good smelling house.
The rest of yesterday consisted of playing hogwarts, crashing for a wile with my cat (he must’ve been feeling tired as well), and then taking a nice warm bath.
I can’t say much about today, because it just started. I know that me, my sister, and dad are going bowling around noon with the whole goal ball team, and after that it will more than likely become an afternoon of chillaxing. Tomorrow is expected to be extremely cold and stormy (mainly in the afternoon), and I’m looking forward to that. I will also continue to update the weather forecasts page (the one I gave a link to on the top of the post) with weather forecasts, that way you aren’t bugged by like 3 blog posts in 24 hours.
I guess that about wraps up today’s post. I suppose I’ll see you in a couple days.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

A brief update on my past and future life

Hey guys,
Steve here.

I’ve already made it through over half the school week. I often wonder how such a stressful, strenuous-on-the-brain activity as school can go by so fast. But either way, as I lie hear, suffering from both the lazy bug and a severe case of “I don’t feel like doing anything idis,” I really don’t care about how quick school was today; the fact that I get to chill right now is what matters.
The last two days, I’ve continued to hold myself accountable for that goal I set on Stranded. I have yet to work on it tonight though. Also, speaking of projects and the like, I have a national history day project that I have to do by the 13th of next month. “and I present to you… the world’s worst procrastinator, *drum roll*… Steven D!” That being said because I haven’t started on it. Also to proove that I’m a procrastinator, I have 10 service hours for NJHS due by December 11, and only have 1 down.
Although I dread doing the history project as much as I dread the math STAAR test, I still have to do it anyway because it’s “mandatory” for all pre-AP students in my school district to do it.
Moving on, I had that NJHS thing I told you I would be attending this afternoon. I had to help two of my friends sweep, but it was fun because I knew a lot of people that stayed after school for that and got to talk to them. The only bad thing is that I didn’t get home until around 4:40. Also while on the subject of school (even though this isn’t necessarily about school itself), my sister and I won a poem/drawing contest for my dad’s work. In this contest, children of the people who work for his company would enter a drawing or poem or something like that into the contest to go on a fitness calender. Whoever won would receive a $50 visa gift card and a flash light. Both my sister and I won this contest, but I don’t have the poems we wrote to put on the blog. Sorry about that.
As far as future life goes, I can’t say anything concerning what will happen tomorrow, but hopefully the carpet upstairs will be put in on Friday. I’m ready for things to return to normal. On Saturday and Sunday, since I don’t have goal ball, I honestly have no clue what I will do. Next week will only bring two days of school; both expected to be very cold. We get out for Thanksgiving break Tuesday, with our first full day off Wednesday. The week after the break, I have an orchestra concert on December 3rd. My sister also has one the same time on the same day but at different schools, so we’ll have to work something out. If I am right, I think I have a choir concert the week after the orchestra concert, and my national history day project is due that same week. Also, Christmas break starts the next week (on December 20), and Christmas is the week after that. So, to make things short, I have something going on every week for the rest of 2013.
I guess that about sums up life, and this blog post for that matter.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

P.s. I’m still addicted to Hogwarts Live. Tell me, is it a problem that I have jumped up 11 levels since I posted the last update?