how my day went

today, I got up early and played on the computer for a few minutes. This time, I got up around 6:40 and not 5:00.
After that, I got ready and went to school like normal. When I got home, I played on the computer. Then, I made some airplains before going and eating dinner. After dinner, I played on the computer until it was time to do my homework. After my homework, I played with the dogs with a tinnes ball for a wile. Then, I hung out with my parents for a wile. Then, I ate a snack. After that, I came up and got on the blog. That is all I did today

how my day went

Today, I got up at 5:00 in the morning because I fell asleep early last night due to my alergy symptoms. When I got up, I worked on my blog and other stuff on the computer. After that, I got ready and went to school like normal. After school, the first thing I did when I got home was make a paper airplain. You can clearly see that making plains has becomed one of my greatest hobbies. If you have guessed that, you are right. After I played with that plain for a wile, I made another one and threw it around until about 5:00.
After that, I played on the computer until dinner. After dinner, I played on the computer and talked to my dad for about 30 minutes before going upstares and watching storm stories. I fell asleep at the end of that and stayed asleep for about an hour. When I woke up, I hung out with my mom for a few minutes then took a shower. After that, I came downstares and got on the blog. That is all I did today.

how to make a great airplain that can fly 21 feat in just about 2.5 seconds!

You know how I have been telling you about the great paper airplains I have been making? I will teach you how to make the airplain I call the wind jet.
I don’t mean this can fly in the wind, but when it is flying, it stays in the air for a fairly long amount of time because of how much air it catches.
Here is how you create it

Things you will need:

1. a piece of notebook paper
2. if you don’t want notebook paper, get a whole punch and punch 3 wholes down the side of the coppy paper or construction paper

Step 1. You grab 1 piece of paper and lay it down on the table or floor or bed that you are working on. You must lay it down where the wholes are going vertically. That means all 3 of them are on the left or right side and going from top to bottom. If you don’t do this, your airplain will not work.
Step 2. Grab the 2 bottom corners and fold them strait twoard the center. Keep doing this until they’re even with eachother.
Step 3. When the corners are even with each other and pointing at the center of the paper (MAKE SURE YOU STRETCH THEM AS FAR AS THEY WILL GO WITH OUT OVER LAPPING EACH OTHER) then crease the 2 corners down.
Step 4. Grab your left corner and pull it to the even line that you created when you folded the corners to the center for the first time.
Step 5. Line it up on that line and then crease it down.
Step 6. Do the same with the right corner. (MAKE SURE THEY MAKE AN EVEN LINE ON TOP OF THE FIRST EVEN LINE)
Step 7. When the paper’s corners are even, fold the paper in half.
Step 8. Crease the fold down very tightly.
Step 9. You should now be holding the airplain to where the pointed nose is pointed to the right of you and the crease is pointed away from you.
Step 10. Grab one of the folded ends of the side of the airplain that is not the crease and fold it all the way back to the crease. Crease it down after that.
Step 11. Keep that side creased down then flip the airplain over to where the crease is pointing toward and the fold you just created is facing the ground.
Step 12. Fold the fold that is pointing away from you back toward the crease.
Step 13. Crease it down. Note: why you are doing all of the folding steps described above, the nose point always has to be pointing to the right of you.
Step 14. Grab the crease and lift the airplain up in your hands. Point the side you aren’t holding up at the ceeling. Note: that is the side right above the crease. That is the first fold in half you made in Step 7.
Step 15. Grab the 2 folded sides you did in steps 10-13 and un fold them. They should now look like wings.
Step 16. Enjoy flying!

how my day went

Today, I got up and ate breakfast. Then, I played on the computer and made paper airplains for a wile. Then, I had to clean my room. After that, I ate lunch. After lunch, I got on the blog and made airplains. After that, I watched storm stories and mistery diagnosis. Then, I went to the store with my mom and Sister. We baught a lot of things and were there for about 1 houre.
We got home about 6:15 P.M. As we were taking the groceries in, it started to rain as a quick shower passed overhead. We went inside and I took a bath. After that, it was time for dinner. After dinner, I made recordings on my victor reader. After that, I watched ant farm and Jessy with my mom and sister. Then, I got on the blog. That is all I did today

how my day went from Oct. 27 threw nov. 5 2011

On thursday, I got up, went to school like normal, then came home. When I got home, I played on the computer for a wile. After that, I ate dinner. After dinner, I got reeady and went to my choir consert. After the consert, I got ready and went to bed.
On friday, I got up, went to school like normal, came home and watched libby open her eye pod touch since it was her birthday, I played on the computer, ate dinner, went to a church carnivle, then went to bed.
On Saturday, I had to get up at 5:45 so I could get ready and go with my friend hayden, his brother reed, and his dad eddy. We got at the nws storm prodiction center in Normun OK at around 9:00. There, we got to do a lot of cool things such as look and feel trucks, listen to the weather, learn about tornadoes, and last but not least, I got to launch a weather balloon.
I was back at my house at 6:00 that evening. Me, my aunt’s friend windy, My 2 cousins, Aunt, and mom and sister went out to eat. Then, Me and my 2 cousins were dropped off at my nanna’s house why all the others went to a haunted house. I was asleep in minutes.
On Sunday, I got up and played with my cousins for the morning. Then, my whole family met at my aunt’s house and we had family day. After that, me, my mom and sister, and my cousin Thomas played at my house for the night.
On Monday, I spent the day with Thomas. That night, me, my mom, my aunt, and Thomas went trick or treating. When we got home, my aunt and cousin left and I fell asleep. After that, I woke up and went to bed for the night.
On Tuesday, I got up, went to school, ame home, got on the computer, ate dinner, got back on the computer, played upstaires, took a shower, and then went to bed.
On Wednesday, I got up, went to school, came home, and did pretty much the same things I did on Tuesday.
On thursday, I got up and went to school like normal. Then, I came home and made paper airplains and played on the computer until dinner. I did the same things after dinner until I took a shower. Then, I went to bed.
On Friday, I got up, and went to school. When I got home, I played on the computer for a wile. Then, my dad taught me how to make paper airplains the real way. I did that for the rest of the night.
Today, I got up and ate breakfast. After that, I made some airplains for a little wile then got on the computer for the rest of the morning. Then, I ate lunch. After lunch, I played with the dogs and made airplains. Then, I went to my sister’s orkestra consert. After that, I made more plains. The evidence of that is on the last post I created.
After that, I got on the blog. That is all I did today.

Sunday, November 6, 2011 is day 200 of the blog.

very good paper airplains!

I have conducted a science experiment to see how far 2 paper airplaines could fly.
The information for plane 1 is as followes:

trile 1-
time– 1.9 seconds
distance– 12 ft. 9 in.
trile 2-
time– 2 seconds
distance– 3 ft. half an inch
average spead: (how many feat this travled in 1 second)

Airplain 2 details are as follows:
trile 1-
time– 2.2 seconds
distance– 15 feat 9 inches
trile 2-
time– 2.6 seconds
distance– 17 ft. 9 in
average spead (feat in seconds)

total average of both plains combined (spead in seconds