A 3 day weekend looming ahead

Hey you guys,
Steve is back with a vengeance.

Below is another epic post of awesomeness written by the world’s best writer…
Yeah, as if.
Well let’s get on with it.
My week was a pretty good one; not a lot of stress; not much in the way of homework. It was mainly filled with school, zombie smashin’, screechy violin practice, and rain.

Nothing huge has happened since the last post I made on Saturday. After posting that, my week went relatively normal. If you’re wondering if anything bad happened to me on Friday the 13, I can’t say it did. The only thing bad about Friday the 13 is the inevitable realization that no matter what you do, what you say, whether or not you manage to make your way out of Earth’s atmosphere and send it careening backwards a few days (I don’t think that’s possible but who cares), there will always be a Monday the 16th. Sure enough, that day has come and passed, along with Tuesday the 17, Wednesday the 18, and Thursday the 19. Alas, a good portion of Friday the 20th has also passed, and I can now look forward to a fantastic 3 day weekend. One during which I can look forward to at least 2 days of sleeping in, late nights filled with programming and Skyping friends, and just being chill.
Well anyway, since I got side tracked and decided to talk about the future, let’s do that thing I said about sending the earth back a few days, and recap on my week.

Sunday was a chill day. Unfortunately, although I skyped Devin, I didn’t do the podcast, so I’ll have to do both episodes tomorrow. But hey, at least they’re getting done, so I guess it really doesn’t matter much if you think about it.
On Monday, I of course went to school. That day, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were almost identical in my routine. Going to school, knocking out homework if there was any to be done, and then programming and skyping or whatever. I have been doing far less programming than the passed two weeks, because I’m now at the stage of the scm where there are only 1 or 2 bugs here and there, and even then those bugs are few and far between. It took Devin 5 to 10 minutes of playing with the software to find one, and I fixed that. I also added the ability to add allies, computer controled players that can kill zombies and be killed as the player can.

Well I guess that about wraps up tonight’s post.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,
P.S. We got 2 or 3 inches of rain from last night to this afternoon. Astounding, right?

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