how my day went

Today, I got up and got ready and went to a “adventure day” event that was for the blind. There, I did several activites, then we came home and I listened to my book “aragon” until dinner. After dinner, I played with the dogs, then went outside. Then, I came in, got on the computer, watched tv, then got on the blog. That is all I did today.
Also, I would like to part from you by sharing some images I got from various events at the eventure day.

This is me doing archery. I am going to shoot the bow and aro

This is the worm on the hook before I fish

This is me fishing

This is me getting my aros from the target that I shot them at.

This is the shot after I throw a string with two golf balls and try to get around any level of a bar that is in front of me. I make a perfect shot, and that is what you are seeing.

how my day went

Today, I got up, ate breakfast, then dug outside. Then, I came in, and played upstairs and on the computer until lunch. Then, I cleaned until goalball practice. After goalball, I came home, ate dinner, took a shower, put up my clothes, ate a snack, then got on my blog. That is all I did today.

how my day went

Today, I went to school like normal. Then, I came home and played upstaires for a wile. Then I fell asleep on my sisters bed. When I woke up, it was time for dinner. I ate and then went outside and sat there for a wile. Then, I came in and threw a ball around and played with the cat. After that, I got on the blog. That is all I did today