how my day went

I am posting this so early because where I am on vacation, the time is 1 hour ahead. It is only 6:30 where I am because me and my mom got to the airport in New Hampshire at 5:30 and were supposed to jump off the plane and meet my dad and sister so we could drive the rest of the way to ocean park Maine. But since my dad and sister rode on stand by, they were bumped on 2 of there flights. This means they will not be at the New Hampshire airport until about 10:00 Eastern time. So I am posting this post because I am boored. Well today I got up very early and ate breakfast. After that, I got ready with my mom. My dad and sister had already left to go to the airport. Well, after we got ready, my grandpa picked us up and took us to the airport. Our first flight was at 10:45 Am. It was flight 1023 from Dallas texas to Adlanta Georgia. Our next flight was at 3:10 from Adlanta Georgia to ManChester NewHampshire. After that plain landed, we have just been sitting here waiting for my sister and dad

how my day went

Today I woke up and ate cerial for breakfast. Then I played on the computer for about an hour. After that, I played around the house for the rest of the morning. For lunch, I ate raviolies. Then I started packing because tommoro, my family is going to maine. That is our vacation and we will be there for 6 days. I packed for 2 hours and then went to goalball practice for 2 hours. Then, since we will not be home on fathers day, we gave my dad’s dad a card and a package of 12 golf balls. Then we ate dinner there and came home. That is all I did today

How my day went

I am sorry that I am posting this so late, but Yesterday I didn’t have time to. You are about to learn why. Well, here is how my Tuesday went.
I woke up and went to school like normal. It was a very hot and windy day, but I didn’t care because I kept thinking about the weather that was supposed to come later that evening. Well, I got home and sat around and did nothing for a wile, then I had to clean my room. After I cleaned, I just sat around some more and watched the news. Then I ate dinner. For dinner, I ate Fish. After dinner, we Me, my mom, my Libby, and my dad got ready and went to Libby’s violin Recital. That lasted from 7:00 to around 8:15. After this was over, we came out of the school to a lot of lightning and thunder. When we got home, I pulled out the weather radio wich said that there was a tornado warning for Dallas County. Not much later why Libby was in the bath, the alarm for a tornado started to go off. I ran down staires asking my dad to check the radar. He saw that a big thunderstorm was coming streight at us. It came! The rain poored as my family watched the news. The TV cut out a few times. Just a few minutes after we were watching the news, the Alarm for tornados went off again. My dad and I went outside for just a few minutes. We came back in and the wind started picking up. A few minutes later, the Golf-ball sized hail started falling hard on the roof. Then as I was sitting on the couch with my mom and Libby, my dad said get in the bathroom now! We ran to the bathroom as my mom and dad looked out the dining room window for a tornado. After a few minutes, dad said that we could get out of the room. It was 30 minutes passed my bedtime so I went up and took a quick shower. After my shower, I went to bed exhausted from the evening. Then later in the night, a storm producing golf-ball sized hail and 60 mph wind came over. I went downstairs for a wile until it finished. I ment to go back up, but fell asleep on my parrents’ bed. That is all I did yesterday

how my weekend went

On friday, I went to school like normal. Then I came home and played on the computer. Then I played outside for a wile and came in. For dinner, I ate turkey burgers. That night, I stayed up until 12:00. This is because I thought that it would be judgement day. That is because it was May 20 night. And 12:00 started May 21. There wasn’t any judgment day after all. I had to get up at 6:15 AM on Saturday May 21, and there was still no judgement day. The reason I got up so early is cause me, my dad, and my sister had to go to this event where we would run and do field events. I ran the 60, 100, and 200 meder dash. I got second place in all of the races. How ever, when we went to shot put, I beet Libby because I threw the heavy meddle ball 4.6 meders. She did beet me on javolin, but I beet her on diskus because I threw that ol disk 9.51 meders. After diskus we went home and got ready to go to a weading shower at my dad’s dad’s house. On the way there, I learned on the radio that the rapture was gonna take place at 6:00 PM on the nose.l I was standing in my Grandpa’s garrage with alot of the family when 6:00 came. Nothing happened and I was relieved. We left the weading shower at 8:45. I went to bed at 9:15 PM. This morning, I woke up at around 8:15 in the morning. That running made my legs very stiff and sore this morning. I ate, got on the computer, and then ate lunch. After lunch, I just sat around and played on the computer off and on. Then I ate some spagetti. After dinner I got in the shower and monnitored the severe weather. Then I got on the blog. That is all I did this weekend.

how my day went

Today I went to school like normal. At 10 or 11 this morning I got a headache. So I had to spend pretty much all day with a big headache. When I got home, I layed down to get rid of the headache. Then I got on the computer for a wile. After about half an hour I got off and called some people on my phone. Then I ate dinner. For dinner I ate pork chops, baked potato, and pees. Aftr dinner I called some more people on my phone and then played the piano. For about an hour me and my sister did a duet. She plays the violin and I played the piano. Then we went upstairs and I got on the computer. That is all I did today.

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This is my list of free webhosts. This will change as I find more.