blog update and weather news

Hey you guys,
steve again.

In this post, I have a couple things to tell you about. 1, is my life. The second is about the severe weather headed this way. Please keep reading!

So, I will start off on the more frightening note, so I can end the post with a little less excitement and more calm.
So, It appears severe weather will move into the area I live in once again. Furthermore, there is the potential for issolated tornadoes, hail, and damaging winds yet again. This is also possible tomorrow afternoon! If these turn into tornado outbreaks (I don’t think they will but then again No one thought it would happen last week but it did), this will be 3 tornado outbreaks within 8 days! Check back often, because I will be doing severe weather updates as the forecast changes.


So, things have been going good. Last night, I released my second episode of the steven d podcast, so you should listen to it. Here is what I did on the 4 days:
Friday was a normal friday. There wasn’t much to talk about.
Saturday was the goalball fundraiser. That went well, except the only fun part for me was the goalball game. I scored goals all but 1 throw!
Yesterday, I did absolutely nothing productive, besides posting the podcast and an audio game review.

There is a game I have become adicted to, it’s called Castaways. This is where you build a settlement, feed your population and find your way off an island you’ve become stranded on after a large storm. In order to leave the island, you must rely on resources of the island to build a ship.I haven’t done this yet, every time I tried my population died of starvation. I will keep on trying though.

If you’re wondering about this week, the only thing I have planned is to go to Libby’s orchestra consert. And, did I ever tell you I made it into orchestra for next year?

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

life update plus more intresting tornado news

Hey you guys,
Steverino is back with some crazy stuff about the tornadoes that slapped north texas in the face quite unexpectedly yesterday.

So, I have learned more information regarding the tornadoes of last night while watching the news. Here are a list of facts below:

  • the tornado that hit grand prairie was an ef 4, which means on the fugeta scale that the winds were between 166 and 200 miles per hour
  • there were exactly 12 tornadoes, the same number that struck on April 3, 2012
  • I’m not sure, however I think I heard that 6 or 7 people are still unaccounted for
  • there was a gas leek caused by the tornado
  • hail fell up to the size of grape fruits
  • the tornado which hit Cleburne was an ef 1
  • one of the tornados left a mile wide path of distruction

Now, think about all that! That is what I learned about these tornadoes in the last 4 hours! What in the world!

Also, Steverino isn’t just here to tell you about the tornadoes, there is also some cool life updates to talk about.

So, like I said in the line above, I want to give you a life update.
So, I see that the river raders review was quite a success as far as the recording job goes. This means I will have to review topspeed3, the racing game I play. I will also do the review of Super Deekout, deekout, super liam, and q9 soon. I look forward to that!

As far as the near passed has gone, last night was pretty scary. You know the tornadoes hit, and judging by the weather interested personality I have presented to you on this blog you know I’ve monitored those tornadoes.
Since I spent 3 or 4 hours watching the news and listening to the radio last night, I had 3 or 4 hours of edgie fear and being on high alert. I can say, that my cat was there all the time, trying to take my mind off of things. Every time I sat on the couch, so did he. When I sat on the love seat, he had to join. When I would lay in bed, my feet would be submerged in fluffy cat fur. I actually thought it was pretty funny, like he was trying to be my guardian cat or something.
Okay, maybe I didn’t origionally think that, it was my mom.

So, back to the storms, I didn’t get to sleep until 1:00 A.M because of those things. Thus, I over slept this morning, consequently missing breakfast, only getting coffee.

Other then that, the day has been good. Long, tiring, dragging, but good none the less.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

My hopes and wishes go to the grand prairie and Cleburne residents who were hit by the tornadoes.

tornado outbreak

Hey you guys,
Steve again.

Last night, May 15, 2013 brought huge tornadoes to north texas between the hours of 6 P.M and 1 A.M this morning. In total, there were at least 10 tornadoes. The number of confirmed deaths is 6, with at least a hundred enjured. The largest tornado I believe happened in Johnson county around Clebern, however it could’ve been in grand prerry. All I know, is that there was a mile wide tornado some where south and west of Dallas, and that it flattened homes, caused fatalities, and left many people enjured and/or homeless.

This is the largest tornado outbreak we’ve seen in 1 year, 1 month, 6 days, 2 or 3 hours, and about 30 minutes. In fact, you can read about my last tornado outbreak experience by clicking this link to take you to the april 3rd, 2012 page. In that tornado outbreak, there were a total of 17 tornadoes, and at 2:01 P.M, a tornado emergency was declaired for Dallas county. This was the tornado outbreak that hit laincaster and arlington pretty hard, and a tornado came over my school, later wiping out one of those speedy oil change places.

As far as Dallas county went with this tornado outbreak, we only had one warning, but the circulation weakened as it pushed over my area. Sirens did sound in downtown dallas, (a live fox four reporter saw and heard the storm, and broadcasted it over the 10:00 news).

So, to sum things up, last night was a pretty major tornado outbreak across the western counties, and the western half of the metroplex, along with the southwest portion of the metroplex.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

As a bottom note, you can see what I did on may 15, 2011 (I had a friend’s birthday party to go to). And, it was sunny!
So, click this button to see what I did on may 15th of 2011.


Hey you guys,
Steve again.

Cold temps, milestones, broken records… wait, woe!!!

Yep, that is exactly how I’ve felt since the last blog post which occurred just short of 36 hours ago. Every since then, wave after wave of jaw dropping news has slammed into me. I better post the latest developments to you.

First of all, I reached another milestone yesterday morning at 9:37 AM, when the 50th follower joined the blog. Thanks 50th follower, because you’ve helped me hit a very important milestone in this blog!
So, now that we have the blog milestone taken care of, I will now talk about the weather.

The weather has been taking mad dips, twists, jumps, and bumps for the last 2 months. It is like we are riding a never ending wild roller coaster, one that leaves you wondering, “What’s next?”
It almost seems one day you are breaking out the hot coco and turning on the heater, while on the next you almost want to take a swim! I still have a feeling that a tornado outbreak is immenent, and tonight only further proves my theory.
Late tonight, a strong coldfront will move into our area, bringing tempratures from the 70’s before midnight to upper 40’s and lower 50’s by sunrise. After the coldfront moves through, scattered light rain, strong winds, and cloudy skies will take over our Thursday; and tempuratures will struggle to make it to 50 all day long!

Not only that, but Thursday night is the more interesting part. Winds will die down, skies will clear, and temperatures will drop into the upper 30’s early Friday morning. This is going to be the coldest it has ever been this late in the spring!!! Yes, you read right, the coldest ever this late in the season!
After that, highs will hit 60 Friday afternoon, which is still 20 degrees short of the average for this time of year, which happens to be 80.

As far as my comments go, I almost wonder if we are going to swim this summer, or ice scate. When will this weather go away? And, why is winter so hesitant on leaving?

Well, as far as life goes, not much has happened. We are doing a research project in social studies, and I got Michael Dell, the creator of the Dell computer. Of course, that does make me pretty happy; it adds some enjoyment to the research project.

As far as blog news goes, you should probably check the latest site news and updates page, because there are new developments and anouncements you must read.
Otherwise, have a great evening, and enjoy the rest of your week!

Thanks for reading,
Type you later,

severe weather day!

Hey you guys,
steve again.

Do you remember my April 3rd journal entry from last year?
If not, click that link to read it.
Last year, there was a massive tornado outbreak not only in texas, but stretching up into the northwest part of the country. This spawned huge tornadoes, one of which causing a tornado emergency to be issued in Dallas county. Mind you, that was last year. This year, we aren’t in on so much action. This April 3rd I’m afraid is cold, rainy, and dreary like what you’d get in February. What is the forecast for today?
Cloudy with showers likely and issolated thunderstorms with highs in the mid 50’s and northeast winds. What was the forecast last year?
Showers and thunderstorms (a near 100% chance), with some possibley being severe, and it was in the 70’s.
What a difference? The only thing that remains the same is that it will rain this April 3rd like it did last year. There will not however be any severe weather today.

Recap back to last April 3rd.
I don’t know how much I said about last April 3rd in the journal entry, but I will tell you about the day anyway.
So, it started off as any normal day would. I went ahead and went to school, the air was kind of heavy and muggy. It wasn’t that dark outside when I went to school, seen as how the storms weren’t supposed to hit until the afternoon. I wasn’t too woried about the weather, because large hail, damaging wind, and heavy rain were the main threats. There was a small chance for perhaps an issolated tornado or 2, but I wasn’t too concerned.
Last year, I had to pass a window only to get to second period and 5th period. When I went to second, it was still bright outside, and I still wasn’t concerned.
When I went to fifth period however, things weren’t looking too bright. As my friend was walking me to choir, I looked curiously at how dark it had become. I just ultimately assumed a thunderstorm was coming.
It wasn’t until we got well into choir that the omonous storms began to move in. Our choir teacher, MS McQueen was having to get on to us because the class was being bad. We were fixing to start writing sentences, and I had just bent my knees to sit down when it happened.

Out of the blue, the tornado sirens began blaring. At first, I wondered if it was the weekly test. “How could that be though? It is Tuesday at like 1:15,” I wondered in my head.
That is when a rumble of thunder crashed outside, and I realised it wasn’t a test. The class got quiet as Ms McQueen went to take a look outside. When she came back in the room, she instructed us to quiet down in case the principal were to say something. I sat there shaking in fear in case it were to tornado.
Though the weather was pretty bad, we were still able to go to 6th period. My friend took me passed the window and I could barely see any light. It was dark, black, and omonous outside.
During 6th period, most of the classes had to sit out in the hallway. Sence I was in a science class, we sat under the table and I cracked jokes with my friends because we were all kind of scared. We had to leave for 7th period a few minutes late, because the storm warning had expired.
I didn’t know this until recently, but the reason we were under the tables in 6th period was due to that tornado emergency. Sixth period is in the 2:00 hour, and the tornado emergency was issued at 2:01 p.m for Mesquite, Dallas, and I can’t remember the other city.
Well, 7th period seemed normal. There was only one omonous sign throughout the period–the fact that so many people were leaving school early.
Here is where the situation gets to a breaking point.
As I sat in my class drumbing my fingers on the desk absent mindedly, the principal comes on the intercom. “All students riding the bus cannot leave school until the weather clears up. These students must remain in their classrooms until the teacher dismisses them,” he says.
That showed me something was going on.
“What?” a kid in my class asked.
“He’s just trying to keep you safe,” replied the teacher.

Sence I don’t like to get through all of the crowds, I leave a couple minutes early. I left that day about 3:19, expecting a thunderstorm to be on the way. When I emerged in the front, I heard hail pinging on the metal roof. It was so dark at this time, it looked like the sun was 2 minutes away from being totally gone.
Soon, the hail stopped. i thought that meant the storms were over, that is until this happened.
My sister came out of her theater class about 3:25, and we emerged into the stormy afternoon. The air was still, heavy, and warm. It wasn’t even raining or anything. It was a sort of serene; calm. There was only 1 or 2 raindrops, and absolutely no wind what so ever. The only thing that was off was that it had got even darker now. Now, it looked like 20 seconds before it got pitch black. This was freeking me out just a bit.
As soon as I climbed into the front seet of my mom’s car, the sirens began wailing. It got even darker to the point where you could just see the smallest bit of light, and the principal came on again. “All students and teachers, leave any exterier…” I shut the door, and my mom started driving before he could finish.
The worsed of it was over after that. That evening, it continued to thunder through about 8:00 PM, but no more tornadic storms came over our area.

I’m afraid that our story has come to a close. I do know that this april 3rd will not be nearly as hectic, but it will be way colder than last.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

—have you ever heard a frightening message like this before?

Please watch this vid I found browsing around on youtube:

Now, tell me. What do you think this teenager was thinking? I’m sure that if I were him I would be freeking out. Have you ever heard a message like this on a weather radio or otherwise any other commercial outlets?

Very heavy rain event coming up in north texas

Hello guys,

I am here to tell you about something intresting that is developing. I have heard from the sorces I listen to:

  • fox4
  • krld A.M
  • NOAA weather radio

Those tell me that North, and all the rest of texas will be hit by a large rain event from early Tuesday morning through late Wednesday night or very early Thursday morning. This will likely bring between 1 and 4 inches of rain to our area, as bands of heavy rains move across. This prolonged rain event could cause some flooding. On the bright side, it will bring us relief from the droubt conditions we’ve been having

update #1

Update id=#1

update time issued=8:30 P.M cdt
update reguarding the white christmas snow event

Here is an update to the “white Christmas” situation. Well, as it looks now, the rain changing over to snow is still expected. Chances still look the same, but there might be a better chance for flurries after midnight Tuesday night. 1 inch or less of accumulation is still likely, however, this is not all the case. Some places could get a tad more than that.

I will keep you posted on the situation developing, probably 2 times a day. By the time this ends, expect to have 7 updates. This situation looks like a hopeful one!

There is another one developing for January 8, 9, and 10 of next year. Please let it snow that day so I don’t have school!


Here is another update. Fortunately, this one isn’t the same.
Well, I wam sorry to say this. Our snow chance is dieing like a sick animal. It is only hanging on a tiny thread of hope, only a speck of blue light that is quickly dimming. It is almost like that one last bit of hope that is steadily slipping threw your fingers. Well, the reason I say this is the fact there is still a chance of a little snow, most definately. But, here is the bad news. The low that morning is going to be 42 digrees, and if you paid attention to boring science class (jk because I like weather but some of you might not), here is a known fact. 42 digrees is 10 digrees too hot for water to freeze. With these hot temperatures we’ve been experiencing, the ground will most sertainly not be cool enough to support the sticking of that white puffy snow. Lets keep our fingers crossed really hard! We really need snow, so keep those fingers crossed and I mean it for if you don’t, our snow chance will be doomed to bannishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of us want that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!