
Hey you guys,
Steve here.

If you are wondering what “TLC” stands for, it is Texas Lions Camp.

This week was a fun one. Camp went by pretty fast, and there were lots of fun activities. This might be a long post, so sit back and enjoy it…

On sunday, we drove up. Same as last year (see the July 2012 archive to see last year’s trip). It was getting to know everyone, seeing old friends, opening night etc etc.
Monday was the first day of activities. Since I was one of the older campers, I got a block class which is like a school elective but lasts 2 hours. There was water front (a water aerobics class), ceramics (you know, the class where you make clay stuff), music, radio, and I think that’s about it. I chose ceramics, which actually turned out pretty fun. So, after getting up at 7 in the morning, eating breakfast, cleaning up the cabbin we stayed in, and going to the usual morning activity of Flag Pole, that is where I went.
Monday was the day we made our project, and mine was a cat.
After block class, there was lunch. I shouldn’t have to explain that in detail (it was just lunch). Next, was archery. My first shot was a bulls eye, however every one after that hit the grass beyond the target.
Next, was rest period. That was from 2 to 4, and it was basicly self explanitory–we would have rest time. After that was r&a, (recreation and athlettics; a PE type of activity). After that was swimming, then dinner. For our night activity on Monday’s night activity, there was a carnival, where you’d play games, earn tickets, and buy some food and drinks. I got a stick of cotton candy that was almost a foot wide (and didn’t finish it), popcorn, and fruit punch which my sister shook and sent it all over me.
After that, we went to bed.
Tuesday morning went similar to Monday, except we played games in ceramics while our clay projects dried. Instead of having archery at 1:00, we had ropes. I guess it was low ropes on Tuesday, because we just played games.
After ropes and then rest period, we had horses. The weird thing about the horse I rode, was that it caughed. I literally never new that horses could caugh.
After horses, we had swimming.

Tuesday night was pretty unusual, because we did camp out. Camp out is where we go to a camp sight, eat hobo packs, sleep outside, and get smores. Instead of eating our usual dinner, that is what we did.
Wednesday morning, we had to come back from camp out. We ate breakfast, skipped the cabbin cleaning (and instead took showers), skipped flag pole, and went to ceramics. That day, we made crayon projects where we drew a picture, and melted crayons with a hair drier to make a pattern. Mine was meant to look like curtains opening on stage to reveal a kitten, but it ended up looking like a kitten trying to escape a volcano.
After that, we had archery and lunch and rest period again, R&A, swimming, Dinner, than our night activity.
The night activity was night court, in which one of the staff at camp acted like judge Judie. Campers would get to file clames on there councilors and say they were doing bad things to them. Then, the defense attorney would try to save them from punishment, the prosecutor would come out and try to proove them guilty, a witness would sometimes come out after that and also proove them guilty, and then the jury would vote on whether they were guilty or not guilty. If they were guilty, the judge would give them a punishment similar to what they did. For example a councilor named Colton was clamed to have thrown a camper in a trash can, and eat more smores at camp out than he should’ve. For this, his punishment was to be put in a trash can, and he had to look like a smore since he liked them so much. They dumped chocolate, crushed gram crackers, and put melted marshmallow all over him. Oh yeah, it was said he put the camper in a moldy trash can, so he had to put a piece of moldy bread in his mouth, and then ware some on his face.
After the councilors would be punished, they were sent to jail.

After getting a good laugh at that activity, it was once again time for us to go to bed.

Thursday was the last day of activities. The morning went similar to Monday and Tuesday, except we fired our clay projects, and listen to the radio class as they did senior speeches, where the 16 year-old soon-to-be graduates of tlc talked about there experiences as a camper. After that, we had lunch, ropes (I climbed the 40 foot rock wall and hit the top), rest period, our final R&A, swimming, dinner, then a dance. I danced with about 4 people, all of them campers and councilors from Libby’s cabbin.
After that, we went to bed.
Friday, was just the day we packed. We didn’t do much, besides picnics, the talent show, rested, and ate lots of pizza. The only big thing was the award saramony, which was at night. I got the funniest camper award.

After that, it was time to go home.

That is all I did at camp. Hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

extremely import blog notice, and some not so extremely important stuff

Hello guys,
steve here.

As the title says, There is some extremely important stuff I must tell you.
File den is remaking there site completely in mid august. What does this mean for the blog?
Well, it means that none of the files will be available for a little bit, but me, being a really smart person, decided to back up the files on my computer so that I can upload them when the remaking process is over. Don’t stress now, the files are still available until mid august which is 3 podcasts away and about 50 days.
Other than that, I recently uploaded my podcast episode 6. Go get it at the podcasts page. Here is what I did:
1. I did a life update.
2. I did a weather update.
3. Devin reviewed the of the day, which is a japanese name so I can’t spell it.
I also released a review of super deekout. Go listen to the review here:
audio game reviews

Well, I am going to the lake house in 2 days, and I found out my other friend Devon could come. In fact, the phone call came in the middle of the super deekout review, so you will here my phone ringing, then I will come back and apologize for the interruption. I so can’t wait–and, I will bring my computer and blog about the experience. Well, I’ll blog when I get back home Saturday.

Well I better end this post because It doesn’t need to be too long–it was just meant for a quick news update, so…

thanks for reading,
type you later,

My first post with windows live writer, (ignore the last email because it wasn’t me)

Hey you guys,
Steve here.

This is my first post with windows live writer–can’t believe it!

So, I recently downloaded a cool application on my computer called windows live writer. This lets you hook up to your blog or create a windows live blog and write to it, create pages, and lots of cool stuff like that. I heard this program is also good for blogging on the go, but then again so is word itself.
There is one good thing to this however; it allows spell check, which for blogs like mine can be pretty useful.
While I’m on this post, let me give you a little life/podcast update:

First of all, I learned this before last post, but forgot about it. I am going to the Calendar lake house with my papa Dutch and Nana, and part of that side of the family for 4th of July. I don’t know what we are going to be doing there, but I will blog and talk about it. On another note, though related to what I just said, my friend Devon might be joining us. This isn’t the computer geek devin whom I created the website for last week and went to tsb, but a different one who plays goal ball with me. Since goal ball season is over, I don’t get to see him much, but hopefully he can come to the lake house with us.
We are going on Thursday after picking Libby up from Austin (can we leave that part out? JK). We should then get there after about 4, and I don’t know what we’ll do for the remainder of the day and Friday. We will be returning home on Friday evening.

As far as the weather goes, let’s hope that it doesn’t storm. There is a small chance of storms Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I don’t care if it storms Saturday (sorry for the people that have plans, I care if those get rained out). If it rains July 7, I won’t have to worry–I’ll be on my way to camp then.
On another note, I found another blog you should visit:, the website of a friend of mine named Wyatt Rose. Since I don’t know if he wants strangers talking to him, I will not disclose any contact info–I’ll leave that up to him.

On one last note, sorry to those people who received email notification about a “temporary” post, that was when I set up windows live writer, and it did a test post. Sorry!

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

updates left out from last night’s post

Hey you guys,
Steve again.

I know I posted to the blog yesterday, but I have a couple things to tell you that I forgot to mencion in the last post.
For one, I forgot to tell you guys about my new computer battery. I was reading updates and excuses, and it talked about the computer unplugging and me losing all my work. Well, I forgot to tell you that I got my battery on June 4th. It actually came in on the 3rd, but my mom came up with the idea of putting it on the table so I could find it in the morning. I actually like that idea, (there is nothing like an awesome surprise to get you going). Unfortunately, I never figured it out until the afternoon. I picked up and shook the box in the morning, asked dad what it was and he said it was something for mom, and let my curiosity build all day at school. By the time I got home, it was unbearable. So, I ripped the box open, put the battery in, and found it was charged to 78% already.
Another thing, is that podcast. I am going to go ahead and release it on Friday june 21, the day I come back from austin. Don’t worry, since the computer won’t die when unplugged, I won’t have to be stressed about a disaster happening like it coming unplugged or the battery failing or something. If you want a preview, here it is:

1. I will talk about the weather. In fact, as of now, I myself am intrested to know how the weather will be where I live, seen as how I am in Austin at the moment.
2. I will tell you all about my trip, the whole week!
3. I will then present the game of the day, swamp. Here, I will o a custom map adventure so you know what it sounds like.

One final thing, I will get to be without a sister for 2 weeks! That is pretty awesome, don’t you think? (the question above doesn’t apply to my mom, because she’ll say no).

So, until next time, I hope you had a fun time reading this post! I can’t wait for the podcast, and to post more updates.

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

sumarised update and game released

Hey you guys,
Steve again.

Woe… finally back blogging, huh?

So, as you know, summer break has started for me. In fact, it started 12 days ago, meaning I haven’t blogged in 2 weeks and 1 day. Haven’t you all missed my awesome posts? Oh yeah, and another thing to say. Remember I said stranded was to be released on June 8? Well I bet I ment to put a 1 before that 8, because it’s being released on June 18 instead of june 8. So, I will give you that game, before talking about my life.


So, as you should know, I am going to put the link before the story summary of the game. So, here it is: download the awesome game now. Now, for the story.

After waking up on a misterious platform in the middle of noware in this weird place, you must find your way through this game. As the title says, your objective is to fight and defeat the boss, who might seem a harmless mouse but isn’t one after all. In this game, you will encounter 2 elusive creatures–a cat that looks very violent and weird, but could actually be of some help, and the boss of course. After you defeat the boss, you will find out something you’ve wanted to know for a while now. You will find that out at the very end, but why should I spoil it for you? That’s right, I shouldn’t.

I hope you enjoy! Just make sure you hurry over to the gamebooks page and play stranded part 1 if you haven’t done so already.

life summary

Now, on to the life events.
My life has gone pretty well since June 3rd, because of tiger reward camp which turned out awesome, and then summer break. The strange thing was the fact that it didn’t set in for me that it was summer until the first monday we were off, because the way the school year ended for me. It ended with my dad picking me up early from school, nothing wrong with that just seeming something that might also happen in the middle of the school year. So, that’s why it took so long.
Otherwise, my last 2 weeks of summer have gone by pretty fast, because they were fun and stuff. One thing I forgot to mencion, is actually where I am now. I am at tsb once again (see the monthly archive for February because that was the last time I’ve been here), but this time I’m here for Catching Rays, a class all about solar weather. My teachers are pretty awesome, not to mencion everybody is my friend here. I even get to hang out with my computer geek friend, the only person I’ve been to more than 2 camps with. It is going to be a fun rest of the week–tomorrow we have a swim party, thursday a movie, and friday is going home. One thing we did in class is to make a SID solar wind antenna which has a computer that is round, light, and fits in the palm of your hand. It takes data it receives from solar blasts and CMEs and sends it to a sound card. I don’t remember much of the rest, but that you can put it in audacity (an audio editor) and here the frequency noises it makes. Also, it puts the data in a spread sheet.

On another note, if you’re wondering what I have planned for the summer, it is:
1. finish this tsb program
2. stay home for 2 weeks
3. go to lions club camp
4. stay home for 3 weeks
5. go to broken bow
6. go to maine
7. stay home until it’s gime to go back to school.

Well, I’m glad I got you caught up on the blog, and that stranded is finally out! I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for reading,
type you later,

astonishing monthly wrap up plus life update

Hey guys,
steve again.

May 2013 has been the best month by far for views. In this post, I am going to tell you about that, a true prediction, and some life updates. Please enjoy.

Starting with the blog, I am going to tell you some stats I’ve collected as of this morning at 9:20 AM.
First of all, try and take a guess about how many views there were this month alone. This little 31 day period!

If you guessed it right, you are a real lucky person and should go and try for the lottery. The number of views for this month, was 511! Also, there is an average of 17 views per day this month, by far the highest ever seen on the blog. I also recieved 15 followers since April 21. I think the third year has started with a bang! So, keep viewing and showing your loyalty, and I will certainly keep posting.

Now, here is the prediction that came true. If you click the link below, it will take you to the blog post I made in april predicting a tornado outbreak soon because of the temperature jumps.
post where I discuss my hunch about a tornado outbreak coming, and the next few links lead to tornado news about an outbreak that hit.
Also, the post I just linked to about the prediction was April 15, and the outbreak occured on May 15! What in the world?!
Here are the posts:
post 1
post 2
post 3

There are more posts about that from may 16.


On the life note, Things have been running smoothely. On Tuesday night, me and my mom ordered a battery for my personal computer, and while we were on the site we saw an ac adapter for $9.69. I bought the current charger I have for $64, however if we’d just looked on amazon, we could’ve got both the battery and ac adapter for $37.58. I am okay with the charger I have, since it can charge multiple computers and it works fine.
On another note, school is almost out. I remember May 10’s post, blognews and updates or something like that, where I talked about school being 27 days from being over. Now, there are 6 days. Today is the last friday of the whole entire school year, and I bet in 168 hours I will have just gotten up on my first day of Summer vacation. I can’t wait!
Besides that, me, my family, and cat have been doing pretty good. I remember telling you about swamp, the first person shooter I’ve grown addicted to. In fact, the game says I’ve put in over 13 hours and 29 minutes, and I have only had the game for 3 days. Woe… I need to focus more on stranded part 2 then that game. I PROMICE I will work on it this weekend, and like I said before have it on the sight on the 8th. Don’t worry, you will love this game! I will make sure of it!!!

–future life–

I am glad to tell you another thing about the upcoming weekend (besides working on stranded). It is supposed to storm again! I mean large hail, damaging winds, lightning, and heavy rain! So do you know what that means? That means I will hopefully be able to treat you with another storm recording! Also remember that you can visit the natural event recordings page fore a bunch of recordings like the one I want to make tomorrow. It has Wednesday night’s storm, easter storm, plus several tracks I’ve made to sound like awesome storms!

Since I’ve got us going on the future, I must say we won’t be doing a whole bunch of work at school. Monday is the last full school day, Tuesday is an all day tiger bash thing where we’ll get to hang out, socialise, play games and stuff like that. Wednesday we get out at 12:15, and as well as Thursday. Thursday when we get out at 12:15, we have an 80 day (11 week 3 day) break to look forward to. I can’t wait for that!

Well, as a wrap up, I have enjoyed talking to you on this rather long and information filled post. I also would like to thank the 15 new followers this month and late last month, and the people who got the blog 511 views this month alone. You guys enspire me to keep posting and building this site, and me and you visiters worked as a team to get the site as far is it is today–and I’m sure it will keep getting bigger in the future!

Thanks for reading,
Type you later,

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updates and previews

Hey you guys,
Steve again.

I am back for another blog update. Unlike most other blog updates however, this is more about news and previews and less about life.
Since the life part is short, I’ll get that knocked out first.
This weekend was chill, there wasn’t much to talk about. I have found yet another addicting game from, called treasure mania. In this game, you are in a gulf, with fish, and chests of treasure. If I said that the game was as easy as sailing your boat over fish and treasure waisting pointless time collecting cheap and pointless points, I would be wrong. To catch a fish, you have to travel over to where the fish noise is coming from, and press the space bar to cast your net out and catch it. Treasure chests are not simple either. no, it has to be all complicated where you have to turn on your metal detecter, and find the loud beep, beep, beep noise and lower the hook and chain, lift it up, then you will get loads of points. It is a real cool game! Oh yeah, when you hit level 5, people from the island that leads to the gulf will get just a bit angry at you and try to shoot errows at your head. You have to press control key on the left side to duck. I’ve been playing non stop this morning.

Here is a preview of my podcast. I forgot to release it yesterday, and will do so today. I also need you to know that this is the last weekly podcast! All the rest of them will be released on the first and 21st of each month to conserve space. Here is how this cast will go.
1. I will give the weather forecast
2. I will talk a bit about life, but you can also read about it in May 24th’s post.
3. The game of the day will be superdeekout. Since it is a long game, I will play level 1. If you want a full review, it will come out this week on the audio game reviews page.
4. I will do a review of my stranded part 2 game.
This is a very full podcast, and will be 20 minutes tops.
It will come out after 2 this afternoon, but before 10 tonight.
I hope you enjoyed this post.
From now on, for convenience to want to be followers, I will put a follow blog button on all posts from now on!

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Thanks for reading,
type you later,

blog update and weather news

Hey you guys,
steve again.

In this post, I have a couple things to tell you about. 1, is my life. The second is about the severe weather headed this way. Please keep reading!

So, I will start off on the more frightening note, so I can end the post with a little less excitement and more calm.
So, It appears severe weather will move into the area I live in once again. Furthermore, there is the potential for issolated tornadoes, hail, and damaging winds yet again. This is also possible tomorrow afternoon! If these turn into tornado outbreaks (I don’t think they will but then again No one thought it would happen last week but it did), this will be 3 tornado outbreaks within 8 days! Check back often, because I will be doing severe weather updates as the forecast changes.


So, things have been going good. Last night, I released my second episode of the steven d podcast, so you should listen to it. Here is what I did on the 4 days:
Friday was a normal friday. There wasn’t much to talk about.
Saturday was the goalball fundraiser. That went well, except the only fun part for me was the goalball game. I scored goals all but 1 throw!
Yesterday, I did absolutely nothing productive, besides posting the podcast and an audio game review.

There is a game I have become adicted to, it’s called Castaways. This is where you build a settlement, feed your population and find your way off an island you’ve become stranded on after a large storm. In order to leave the island, you must rely on resources of the island to build a ship.I haven’t done this yet, every time I tried my population died of starvation. I will keep on trying though.

If you’re wondering about this week, the only thing I have planned is to go to Libby’s orchestra consert. And, did I ever tell you I made it into orchestra for next year?

Thanks for reading,
type you later,


Hey you guys,

Steve here.

I had quite a good weekend. My goalball coach said I did really good. Also, I finally got that game put up, so I hope that you will enjoy it.

On the other hand, I wasn’t ready to face the challenge of school today. You know, weekends just fly by way too fast. It is like you are going home from school on Friday, only to blink your eyes and be back again. One thing to look forward to however is the prospect of being on spring break next week. That is the only sperit lifter I can think of at the moment, it being Monday and all.

On the weather forecast however, there is going to be a very warm today. It is supposed to reach 85 digrees, something I haven’t experienced in so long, I don’t even know the date that last happened. To top that off, it will be 57 tomorrow afternoon. It is warmer than that right now at about 9:30 in the morning!
Also, last Monday there was freezing cold windy weather, with highs in the upper 40’s. Think back to 168 hours ago, how cold it was. Amarillo was being pounded with heavy snow, and we were getting a couple flurries. Take that back, perhaps it was about 162 hours ago, since the cold came in the afternoon. Now, we are in the 80’s, how is that?

back to my life, I am addicted to two new games. I will give you the links to download them at the app store at the bottom of this post. One is called accessible minesweeper, sited people can play too, and the other is called tap the mole. Tap the mole is also accessible for blind people, yet again sited players can play this one as well.
Since I couldn’t go out and do much yesterday, I was able to buy and play these games. I’m thinking about going over to apple vis, a website for aps and stuff for blind people using mac computers and IOS devices, and searching for more games.

To wrap up this post, I think today will be a good day, and that the coming week will be pretty good as well. Also, just in case you didn’t know, I have alergies again, however I don’t think that will stop me from having a good week.
I hope you had a good weekend, and have a good week as well.
Thanks for reading,
type you later,

P.S. links to the games in the app store.

tap the mole
accessible minesweeper

Have a nice day!


Hey you guys,
Here are some updates that I will tell you about.

First of all, I am going smoothly with the Stranded gamebook. I have been working on it occasionally, but when I do things on it I usually do a lot. So, to say for myself, I’ve completed quite a bit. That doesn’t mean, however, that I’m even close to done. I want this gamebook to be very long, thus I shall release it in 3 parts. As you should know, I am only doing part 1 at the current moment, and will not begin working on any more parts until after March 3, when the book is scheduled for release.

For more good news, I have the right software and know how to create gamebooks the right way now. So, that means I will be able to create more, and add them to the game books page. Please stay in touch with it, along with the news page for updates, and also the blog.

Now, here are some life updates.

Nothing intresting has happened in the last 24 hours. To tell you the truth, nothing intresting will happen today. My plan is just to go to goalball at about 2:00, then go visit Dawn Adams, one of my old vision teachers. I will then hopefully come home and eat dinner, and hang out for the night.

Now that I’m done with this post, I’d like to think the 4 new followers I recieved this week, 3 of them joining in 1 day. I also got lots more likes. If it weren’t for you loyal ffans, I wouldn’t be as tempted to go on posting. I thank the people who follow, like, and comment on this blog. I couldn’t do it without you. Remember,
Keep reading, following, liking, commenting, and rating, and I will most certainly keep posting.

Don’t worry if I’m gone for a while. Don’t lose your faith in me, and know that I will always be back to do more blogging. Only realise I won’t ever blog again when I post that I am taking this blog down. Don’t worry, that isn’t happening any time soon.